Saturday, June 14, 2008

Old Instant Camera For Sae

universality and relativism on the universality of rights and Death

We are doomed.

ideas that were once important, influential in much of the world we inhabit ourselves included, are, by now, buried deep in barbarism. So far we've come a White House hopeful can afford say this about kidnappings in Guantánamo: "(...)
we made it very clear That These Are Enemy Combatants, These Are People Who Are Not Citizens, They Do Not and Never Have Been Given The rights of this country That Citizens Have . And my friends There Are some bad people down there. There Are some bad people

"(...) We Are Now Going To Have The Courts flooded with so-Called , quote, Habeas Corpus suits Against the Government, whether it be about the diet, whether it be about the reading material. And We Are Going To Be Bollix up in a Way That is terribly unfortunate Because We Need to go ahead and adjudicate These cases "

So is not that human beings possess certain rights and constitutional governments believe to protect . No. It's the opposite. Fundamental rights are a gracious concession of State. Moreover, having rights, they are not universal. There habeas corpus, of course, provided one is a citizen and not have the misfortune of being an 'enemy combatant'.

There is no comparison between what McCain said and things that were said in the same country, more than 200 years ago:
We hold These Truths to Be Self Evident, That Are all men created equal, That They Are Endowed by Their Creator with unalienable Rights Certain , That Among These Are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure These rights, Governments Are institute Among Men, deriving Their just Powers from the Consent of the governo , - That Whenever Any Form of Government Becomes Destructive of These ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to Abolish it ...

Let's face it: what a century was the eighteenth.
