Although it has not been published Latinobarómetro , I just found out that this year's version of survey included questions about the U.S. presidential . If I understand correctly, is the first time you ask for international affairs.
These are some of the results as The Economist :
striking: "In Brazil, six candidates included 'Barack Obama' as part of its name for municipal elections." Similar to what we here in Chile Claudio Orrego made that put posters with his photo Peñalolén imitating Obama (thanks for the tip Xavi).
If the U.S. elections are November 4, will they publish the entire study (or at least more complete results) before that date?
Update: This is the picture Poster Claudio Orrego. I found the blog of Aldo Vega.
These are some of the results as The Economist :
[the study] shows that 29% of respondents think an Obama victory would be better for their country, against only 8% favoring McCain. Perhaps unexpectedly, a 30% believes that it is irrelevant who wins, while 31% says not to know. The enthusiasm for Obama is particularly high in the Dominican Republic (52% ), Costa Rica, Uruguay and Brazil (41% ). Another issue
striking: "In Brazil, six candidates included 'Barack Obama' as part of its name for municipal elections." Similar to what we here in Chile Claudio Orrego made that put posters with his photo Peñalolén imitating Obama (thanks for the tip Xavi).
If the U.S. elections are November 4, will they publish the entire study (or at least more complete results) before that date?
Update: This is the picture Poster Claudio Orrego. I found the blog of Aldo Vega.

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