Tuesday, February 3, 2009

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12. Wormholes (III)

Stargate: Continuing the theme of wormholes ...

The episode 2.15 of Stargate, SG1 "A Matter of Time" begins with Sam explaining to Jack how it works exactly the Stargate and then gets a signal from another computer Stargate from another planet. This signal

earth will go very slowly. By sending a MALP (a probe) to verify that happens discover that the planet has fallen under the influence of a black hole very close. The COMPONENTS of the other team try to approach the stargate, but time slows down so that it is impossible for them and are destroyed by gravitational forces. Having opened the Stargate then we explain that the hole's gravitational field is affecting the military base where they are. On one side are the other team have problems but they did not know that they have suffered the effect of the black hole. The situation worsens with time. Finally

Sam has one of his ideas and. we know how it finished.

This is a link to create a time machine through a wormhole (the Stargate wormhole open traverse the galaxy from end to end in a few seconds.) In class we saw that there are two ways to offset a hole in time:

- By moving at relativistic speeds (with a ship)
- Approaching a black hole.

The latter is what we see in the episode. But the effect is transmitted through the wormhole and the time lag occurs in both doors (entrance of the wormhole), so that a priori is not feasible to use this method to create our time machine. Although they are rambling, since the time wormholes are only mathematical solutions to the teoriĆ­ of relativity we must take this possibility encuenta trying to create a time machine:).

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11. TIME TRAVEL (II): Last

What if you travel into the past?

could be many things and I will put forward here are assumptions that have been in various movies, series or books: "The

YoFuturo that travels back crosses and go to I

-can be reversed and that the sticking Yopasa scared to death to see his

Once you're in the past could you act serious or just an observer? . Here I put some of the possibilities:

1 st Choice: Change ->
"Butterfly Effect"

Option 2: Change in part but the result did you continue going to go back (example: travel to avoid killing someone, but ends up dying anyway though differently) -> "The Time Machine"

Option 3: When you travel a reality by going to
Ternate. In this case, can cause changes occur in another parallel universe, not your past. -> Sample with Stargate SG1. In this case, agreed that in the alternate reality was "alter ego" could not exist and the other Sam had to return to reality although she had not saved. A good way to prevent the SG1 was left with two super Cart ers.

4 th option: You can not do nothing but watch.

In the case of you change the past ... could you be there and to make such changes you do not you born? "Disappear if pass that? -> In "Charmed" there was a hint of vanishing ion until the last moment it happened what had to happen.

Could you be your own grandfather? -> In Futurama, Fry is his own grandfather I recall ..

Other series / movie about time travel and space are infinitely Salto, Back to the Future and sequels ..

Anyway, if you can go back ... Beware, do not go to build and
fits all worse than it is!.

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Ins ven the theory of relativity Einstein ein is possible to travel in time whether or not the space and time are as described by relativity. The 4 dimensional spacetime are invisible and can be interchangeable. In the 3-dimensional space can go back and forth, but the only time you can go to Adelaide you (from past to future). Therefore, travel l future are possible in practice.

There are two types of time machines in this theory:

* static Time Machine: When was from future to the past, the machine will collide with itself.

* With wormhole whose mouths are in different time:

would be two ways to achieve this:

-It believes that after the Big Bang explosion originated wormholes.

- Also with the quantum foam, creating a bubble with a collider, making it the largest thermonuclear bomb to reach the necessary temperature by Plank ... and, once created the wormhole, you negative energy would be injected to avoid collapse.

After a mouth should be offset (bringing it near a black hole or a neutron star, or the paradox of melos ge and relativistic speeds).

But as explained in class, not p Ondrea more explained here that this is more an introduction to the next post ... You can take a look this web if you're interested more about this -> http://www.zamandayolculuk. com / cetinbal / BUILDTIMETRAVEL.HTM

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Bueno… esta entrada la hago porque el otro dĆ­a en una de las pruebas de clase habĆ­a una pregunta que era
¿Se ale jarĆ­a de la Tierra nuestra Luna provocando una explosiĆ³n en su cara oculta?

Y, ademĆ”s, el otro dĆ­a volvĆ­ a ver la pelĆ­cula de la “M Ć”q u i n a del tiempo” en la que querĆ­an construir en la Luna un complejo turĆ­stico bajo la superficie lunar por lo que provocaban explosiones de 20 megatones there, the result being that the moon had deviated from its orbit, split in half and that one piece was a stop on Earth.

Given that misses a class a few days and virtually no physical I have no idea, I researched a bit:

With these megatons is impossible to split in half moon. And, in the event that we managed to power enough to make explosions of the magnitude that is needed so that the moon split in half would need to detonate on or near the center. To get there would have to make a good dig ... And if it cost them the asteroid would hit Earth in the movie Armageddon, here would cost even more.

Anyway, that does not cause a piece of the moon impacts on Earth, at best displace some orbit.

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A Laser or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is a device that uses a quantum mechanical effect (induced emission or stimulated) to generate a coherent beam of a suitable medium and the size, shape and purity control. Can also be extended in December has infrared radiation regions, visible and ultraviolet.

lasers contain a laser medium (amplifier), a pumping mechanism and a feedback system. Emit photons in a beam narrow and well defined. That light is almost monochromatic (consisting of a single wavelength -color-), is very consistent, and often polarized.

There are four processes basic occurring in laser generation, are called: pumping, spontaneous emission of radiation, stimulated emission of radiation and absorption.

  • pumping. Raised by a radiation source or the passage of electric current, the excitation of the active species, ie electrons spend part of their ground state (low energy) at different energy states higher. These electrons will be little time in these states, and consigned to a metastable intermediate state where they remain a relatively long time (in milliseconds).

  • spontaneous emission of radiation. The electron is returning to the State based to emit a photon is a random process and radiation have different directions and phases, so that monochromatic radiation is generated inconsistently.

  • stimulated emission of radiation. The photons generated in the previous process collide with excited species, which causes suffering a relaxation by emitting a photon of the same energy that stimulated the process. In this case, realization of coherent monochromatic radiation.

  • absorption. a photon is absorbed, an electron from the metastable state. Compi you with the above process.

In Star Wars or other movies / series like Star Trek ... lasers are different colors. To really cause much effect would be transparent as they would have the most energy. It would be impossible to see when struggling with them, as well as when traveling at the speed of light photons would be impossible to see the rays of colors also because it would be a continuum between the edge of the laser and the target.

If they are, mean that its light is scattered. A ar ma with such dispersion would be very efe ctive. The only way to make visible the beam is to pass it through smoke or steam to disperse the beam and would cause it saw the light.

Nor should hear the ships that fire so I commented on in tr ada above, to be in space

Is a lightsaber actually a laser beam?

In a film of the saga sees som throw words, if a beam of light fuesenrealmente would not. Neither a laser to another laser stop (mythical scenes as duels). And how would control the length of the laser?

So instead of a laser, it would seem more plasma. Understanding plasma or No gas consisting of charged particles (ions) and whose dynamics presents free collective effects dominated by long-range electromagnetic interactions between them.

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- Inability to hear sounds: The sound is
any phenomenon that involves the propagation of elastic waves in a nearly audible or inaudible, usually through a fluid (or other elastic medium) that generate vibration of a body. The sound is humanly audible sound waves consist of oscillations of air pressure, which are converted into mechanical waves in the human ear and perceived by the brain. This spread is similar in fluids, where the sound takes the form of pressure fluctuations. In the solid sound propagation involves variations of the stress state of the environment.

Sound propagation involves transport of energy without mass transfer, in the form of mechanical waves that propagate through the solid, liquid or gaseous. As the vibrations produced in the same direction in which the sound propagates, it is a longitudinal wave.

In the space could not hear sounds because of the absence of a material medium to propagate the sound as it traveled through the vibration of atoms and molecules in half and there is no air space, has no way travel.

is a failure who have a lot of movies because they heard an explosion that occurs in space, which should not happen.

- How is the severity artificial for astronauts on Earth are as :
The force of gravity is the attraction between masses. In order to generate a gravitational field must have mass.

With equivalence principle can be generated artificially maintaining a constant gravity acceleration on the spacecraft (requires a large consumption of fuel).

Another way to achieve a similar result would be through a rotational movement. The rotation of a body generates a centrifugal acceleration, which would make sintiƩsemos in our body an acceleration similar to that of the earth, which would push us to fall out of rotating body.

In the movie "2001. Space Odyssey based on the novel by Arthur Clarke , use this form of rotation to create artificial gravity.

Still, there are differences between the Earth's natural gravity and artificial gravity in a rotating system.

interesting page artificial gravity of a ship

-movements in space and in the absence of gravity

In the movies we see that the astronauts moving in a very slow . The explanation is as follows:

With the principle of action and reaction of Newton's Third Law. The astronaut's body found in house air (a fluid) and has to exert a force to move the hand to move the air particles. Your body has to suffer the same strength but opposite direction. If you move fast, the body will also move with these movements.

When moving in places where there is an absence of gravity and have no place to lean / pulse can also be moved by moving the arms, but it was not very fast.

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6. ANOTHER OF SUPERHEROES and Invisibility:


Invisibility is a ma m you or and treated in films and books science fiction and fantasy when there's magic or magic items involved.

Clear examples: "The secret of Wilhelm

Sto ritz" " The Invisible Man " ," Man not so Mbra " , " Fantastic 4 " (Susan Storm, the Invisible Woman ) Predator and secular elas, as well as Alien vs Predator, "Heroes" (Claude), magic items ... we hab lar eg potions, capes, charms, single ring of Lord of the Rings ...

If Noso centers are able to see around us is due to light and our eyes . Inside the eye (which is the organ that detects said reflected light) becomes image into nerve impulses that travel through nerves to the central nervous system and then go to the cerebral cortex, which interprets them. For that to happen this occurs refraction at the cornea and lens, and the transformation takes place in the retina (qu and is opaque).

Objects absorb a portion of the light that hits them and reflect the re sto (opaque), others allow some light to pass through them are translucid years. To make an object invisible , the light has to pass through without any alteration (not re strip, does not absorb light, nor change the light to refract csr).

HG Wells, in his famous novel man l and put invisible main character is a scientist who theorized qu and if you changed the refractive index of a person to exactly match the air and your body does not absorb or reflect light, then would not be visible. Griffin (pr otagonista) manages to take forward the theory and becomes a man in visible. This gives you not notice a di storsiĆ³n in the image we see the object or person in this case.

As a result of that, in a case where this occur and who had the same rate refractive not form images in the eye and could not see. For Susan Storm (by switching to another character known) could be invisible and at the same time, the lens should be. Therefore not be entirely invisible, we would see two points in the place where the eyes.

There are other ways in which an object can be classified as "invisible" if it can be observed by sight by the factors environment causing it to not reflect light. An object may be visible can be classified as invisible if it is in the position to:

  • Being behind an object.
  • it the same color as the background or appearance (camouflage).
  • Being in an environment that is too dark or too bright.
  • Being l and observer blind spot.
  • be altering his own appearance, either biologically or technology
  • Mimesi s: co m or in the case of some animals

Before the invisibility Dad was only possible in nature and occurred in gases and beings or objects by their size, the human eye could not capture without help of different technology. Scientists now believe they have found a way to alter the effect of light on objects with nanoscale electronic structures, objects getting invisibility small.

Who has not ever wanted to be invisible? I certainly yes ... Even as they say in Spiderman, "with great power comes great responsibility" and usually in most movies or novels that deal with this issue the character that has this quality or you can use just passing

the evil side or leaving the moral and ethical lost somewhere.

-A superhero without powers but with a great technology team behind (and, of course, his loyal butler Alfred): Batman

uses his fists to knock out their victims. Given that a punch is running a fist and pounding it exerts a force-wide implementation. All shock is

in the transfer the amount of movement between objects that interact. The mass in this case depends on the body part that is used and how it is used, taking into account that the momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

For Batman uses his whole body in the coup and the mass of the attacker and beaten are similar, while different with another form of wrestling, karate. With this technique, the karateka uses a hand or foot to knock the opponent and the mass of the latter is higher than its attack causing it to transfer more energy and causes more damage. The first attempt to tire the opponent slowly, the second tries to quickly reduce your opponent.

Alongside Batman can also include other characters known as Flash or Captain America.

Batman also has a hook that allows you to jump on some occasions as Spider-Man (and talk about this character in the 3 rd entry ) when using the spider web to go from building to building, as this uses a rope hook that prevents break due to cable resistance.

Its amazing car, the Batmobile even more impressive than Knight Rider and KITT why is amazing, you can go at high speeds (in the entry cited above I said that Flash has trouble turning and other movements when running so fast, well ... the same thing happens Batmobile and is very difficult to handle), braking, weapons, phones can reduce the width hitting a button ... ( specifications techniques )