dwindling creatures Extension:

The second subject we deal with Little Creatures , and now, I'll expand some more things about them.
As he had remarked that there were such creatures or some reduced in size would have some difficulties (the sound of voices, bones, temperature, relative strength and food) ... they also add some other problems and take advantage of this size.
* Water:
What if the little creature out of a river?
- If we consider a normal sized person leaves the water when it is attached to your skin a ¼ liter, as compared with the tiny person (which would be identical to the normal person, except that it has X times smaller in size), would also have a thin film of water on his body, although minor, for him, in relation to its size would be a great weight. Therefore, unlike what happens to people of normal size, this being would be very difficult to move swiftly.
To explain the mobility or lack of it if it is soaked in water, we use the Reynolds number indicates the ability displacement of a body in a fluid and is given by the ratio of inertial forces and viscous forces, with which the displacement in a fluid depends on the size. The larger the body, the greater the Reynolds number and, conversely, the smaller, the lower your number.
surface tension also acts in the case of the drops of water. In the movie "The Incredible Shrinking Man " when you drop a drop of water on to star t influences the surface ENSIONS
* much muscle and physiological problems:
A diminutive man robust and would be too much muscle, so these muscles could destroy his body. This is what should have happened in the film shrinking man. By contrast, a man who has been increased in size would be fragile and, as already mentioned it in the first inning, would have a very small relative strength.
By reducing the size of the average person, also reduces the lungs, arteries, ... but not enough and this would reduce their metabolic rate would continue to be above normal, which would cause some failures. Therefore people who have a larger than normal or much lower the average tend to live a few years and have physiological problems.

* Previously also commented on the problem of communication with others of normal size or larger, given the frequency of the sounds (if you remember, the smaller the creature, the more acute is the voice and how much more is to be more serious is the voice), this also must add the time difference would need to say the same sentence ... For example, a giant take longer to say "Hello" to a person normal.
After all these problems and disadvantages Why would anyone want to be tiny? Would I find any advantage in it?
If you plan far from certain heights fall off ... you would not hurt to have somewhat reduced in size, would be a great advantage:
An object in free fall as the air reaches the speed limit when its weight equals the resistance force opposes the advance of the air. This resistance depends, for small speeds, frame rate on the fluid. Which is to say that the smaller the object falls, the lower the speed with which it does.
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