ceremony entrance to the church and altar in the sanctuary is also performed at the opening ritual of the Holy Door, the Porta Santa at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and other carefully selected churches. This ritual is performed only every twenty years and represents the entry of children of God in the Lord's presence. Medieval medals struck for the occasion often show Christ on one side of the portal and the Pope or the people on the other. Pope calls three times with a golden hammer on which opens the door for the builders and he can get through it and continue with the sanctuary. The rest of the clergy and people and go after him. A prayer spoken by Pope Clement VIII in 1600 during the ritual ceremony clearly shows that in fact, represent the entry into the temple of God. "Open the doors of justice to me. When I entered. Praise to my Lord. I'll go, oh Lord, in your home. I will worship in thy fear in your house." (The Catholic liturgy Mormon Temple and Marcus von Wellnitz, pg. 32)
From the porch, you enter the basilica through five large bronze doors: the extreme right is called "Porta Santa," the Holy Door, which opens only during the jubilee year . Usually it is boarded from the inside, and is only open during Holy Years - happened during the Jubilee of 2000. The Holy Door is in some cathedrals symbolize the threshold that must be traversed to attain salvation. "I am the door: by me will be saved ..."( John 10:9). It is inaugurated by the Pope at a solemn ceremony, and ends in late Years Santos. During that time, thousands of pilgrims entering the basilica through the door for indulgences. The two stone plaques above the door are in memory of the Jubilee of 1975 and the extraordinary Jubilee of the Redemption in 1983. The Holy Door was honored by the Jubilee 1950 by Vico Consorti with 16 bronze panels. Holy Door (Porta Santa in Italian and Latin at Porta Sancta)
Hugh Nibley said: "As the bishop to go in the circle of prayer in the Old Syriac Testament of Our Lord" is still with their hands up and offers a prayer at the veil, "after which he proceeds" to make the sacrifice, the veil the door is working on the side. "Version of St. Augustine's prayer circle Prisciliano ends with seemingly incongruous statement," I am the door for those who turn to me, "Augustine explained in terms of Psalm 24:7, referring to the veil of the temple." Notes [237]. (John A. Tvedtnes, house of worship in ancient times)
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