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Several scriptures indicate that the way we perceive time on earth may not be the way that time actually is in the universe. In Alma 40:8, we are told that only men are timed and that with God all the time is like a day. In other scriptures, we are told that all things are present before the eyes of the Lord (see D & C 38:2, Moses 1:6). Verses 4 to 7 of section 130 indicate a similar concept, namely, q ue past, present and future are continually before the Lord and that time is relative to the planet in which we live.
Several scriptures indicate that the way we perceive time on earth may not be the way that time actually is in the universe. In Alma 40:8, we are told that only men are timed and that with God all the time is like a day. In other scriptures, we are told that all things are present before the eyes of the Lord (see D & C 38:2, Moses 1:6). Verses 4 to 7 of section 130 indicate a similar concept, namely, q ue past, present and future are continually before the Lord and that time is relative to the planet in which we live.
Only in the twentieth century has begun, in the field of physics, to talk about time and space in a manner consistent with these revealing statements. Earlier this century, Albert Einstein raised what is known as the theory of relativity . Einstein explained that what men had assumed as absolute truths in the material world, space, gravity, speed, movement, time-were not at all, but they were all interrelated. Hence the theory of relativity has been called. Today, physicists agree that the reference frame of a person in relation to time vary depending on their relative position in space.
Einstein also showed that if a body moves at high speed (approaching the speed of light, which is 300,000 miles per second), the time of the body decreases relative to time a body that is in the earth, and that for the moving body, space shrinks. In other words, time and space are not two separate things, but they are correlated. Physicists call this phenomenon space-time continuum [Space-time Continuum: (Physics) A set of such elements that can be passed continuously from one to another space-time continuum: In relativistic theories, four-dimensional space, of which the fourth is the time]. If an astronaut were to travel through space at speeds approaching the speed of light, although it all seems perfectly normal to him, another who was on earth as it would seem that the clock was going more slowly, as if one's heart were beating him more slowly, as if the cosmonaut metabolism would have become slower, etc. In fact, the space traveler would age more slowly than the person to stay on earth. Although the finite mind tends to reject such concepts, Einstein's theory suggests that men are victims of their own limited perceptions. The reality of man is the product of its relative position in space-time continuum.

According to this theory, if a being reaches a speed of light, for that be all the space would shrink to the point that it would be "here" to him, and decrease all the time until his departure for him to become the "present" . Descriptions of God, related terms used to describe the nature of light. He is a being of light and glory. The theory of relativity states that for a being of light, all the space and time would all this! As incredible as this concept may seem, increasingly complex experiments that are taking place continue to support Einstein's theoretical description of the realities of the universe.
Lael Woodbury, dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communications at Brigham Young University in a speech sponsored by the Church Educational System, spoke about the perception of time that man has and the perception of time is God and said
"The evidence indicates that God ... perceive time as we perceive space. Hence
'... all things are before him, and all things are around him, and he is above all things and in all things, and in through all things, and round about all things ... ' [D. and C. 88:41]. Time, like space, is "continually before the Lord ... '
now perceive music in time as the blind man sees the way in space: in sequence. He explores with his fingers, enjoying the shape, texture, contours and rhythm. Preserves every perception in his mind, one by one, carefully adding one to another, until summarizes his concept of what that object should look like in space. You and I do not do that. Perceive an object without delay. Just look at it and, to some degree, the 'know'. We will not perceive gradually sequentially, adding a detail to another, but we perceive what is and can distinguish it from any other object.
"I suggest that God perceives time as instantaneous as we perceive space. For us, time is difficult. Lacking the highest average, we are so blind with respect to time as it is blind with respect to space. Perceive time in the same way we perceive music: in sequence. We explore rhythm, pitch or height, amplitude, range, structure, theme, the harmonies, the parallels, contrasts. And, based on our perceptions, we synthesized our concept of object or event, the musical, which was in full before we examine it.
"Just as our life is now complete with the Lord. We examine it (life) in sequence or sequential order because we are blind to time. But the Lord, who receives the time and space, sees us as we are, not as we are becoming. To Him, beings are timeless. We are continually before him: with all of our psyche, personality, body, decisions and behavior. "(Before The Lord Continually, Commissioner's Lecture Series [Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1974], pp. 5-6.)
Einstein's theory is just a theory, but is constantly being supported as a valid representation of reality. The way God works through the vastness of space and the eternity of time has not been disclosed in detail, but the information has been given to man in line with what physicists are discovering about the correlation between space and time. Although not strictly can propose how God works, modern physics indicate that given that he is actually a being of light, then the past, present and future are continually before Him
Taken from Manual of Doctrine and Covenants
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