Thursday, May 5, 2011

South Park Quickplayer

Astronomy, Greek, αστρονομία = άστρον + νόμος, literally the "law of the stars", is the science that deals with the study of celestial bodies, their movements and the phenomena connected with them. These days, it seems that to do astronomy, we must have huge budgets, huge telescopes and large equipment. Nothing is further from the truth: you only need look at the sky!

Along with astronomy class,

we let this beautiful video of Bariloche for 24 hours, a technique that involves taking pictures every regular time intervals: is a sequence in time faster than normal, call time -lapse.

After Mole Removal Color

Astronomy Today's class Thursday ... Reminder

... will be at the usual time: Saturday from 20 to 23.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Internet Disconnection Sample Letter

The new moon in the arms of the old moon

(And the old moon in the arms of the new moon)

Each month, a few days before finalizing a lunation , looking towards the east before dawn, we can see, very close (visually) from the sun, "the new moon in the old moon's arms" .

That is, we look at the face that comes from the next lunar month, maybe a little dark, or only slightly illuminated by light reflected from the Earth ( Earthshine). This lunar phase is over what remains of the last little bits the lunar cycle is about to end, as if these were the old arms holding spots on their laps to the face of the next lunar month, which begin just seconds after the new moon .

To try to explain a little better this view, see in more detail the concept of lunation:
In a general sense is the average time to occurrence of a full lunar cycle, around 29.53 days, beginning and ending at any given stage. Strictly speaking, as used here, is the lunar cycle begins each new moon When it is said that this satellite has age zero, and ends when the age is about 29.53 days, although not all have exactly the same duration lunar months.
  • For example, according to certain records (arbitrary of course), with the new moon of April 3, at 8:32:18, began the lunation 1092, which will conclude on 3 May at 00:50:42, when he will start the lunation 1093.

  • So if you saw the moon in these dawns say on Friday 29 April (04:30), Saturday 30th (04:30), Sunday May 1 (04:42), Monday 2 (0500), perhaps with the help of binoculars or a telescope, then you saw "the new moon in the old moon's arms" .
    These latter are small pieces of the old moon because their ages ranging from 25.83 each day, to 28.85 days.
  • On Tuesday May 3 will not see the moon, because we are very near the new moon.
  • But on Wednesday, May 4 (18:24), on Thursday, 5 (18:48) Friday, 6 (18:48) and Saturday 7th (18:48) you can then view west shortly after sunset and close (visually) of, to "the old moon in the arms of the new moon " .

    This is because in these days when the moon has an age between 41.6 hours and 4.78 days during the lunation 1093, the light reflected from Earth's dimly lit anterior face of the lunation (moon old), which will look into the laps of this sliver of crescent moon.

  • Observe these two phases (the old moon and new moon) requires a low horizon and a clear sky, especially in the days closer to the moon , and possibly tools.
    also be up early in the first case (looking east) and be very attentive to the sunset (look to the West) in the second.

    However, the picture may be somewhat simpler than in full or in the quarter due to lower contrast, because both pictures are made at dusk.
Will not you try?

However, if you spent the previous dates for this lunation, try the next appropriate periods, for example this year about four days before and four days after their respective new moons, which occur in the following Dates: June 1, 2001 and July 30, August 28, September 27, October 26, 1925 November and 24 December.

Did you know that nobody has seen (in the strict sense) the new moon?
thing is we have approached a few hours before or after it.
What is your record?

Good luck.
Send us your photos.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Invitation For 1st Lohri

reminder that at the request of the Chair of Chemistry this week only physics class 1A of Tuesday, 26 Apr 2011 18 to 21, will be delivered on Friday 29 Apr 2011 18 to 21. At the time of Tuesday's class will be taught Introduction to Chemistry.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Fermi Energy Question

To begin with the second unit of matter, dedicated to energy, we left the fourth chapter of our proto-book.

To listen while we read and summarize, here is the video from The Apples in Stereo , Energy, which was directed by Elijah Wood , better known as Frodo .

The letter is not wonderful, but the message is physically correct:

And the world is made of energy and the world is

electricity and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.

And the world is made of energy
and the world is synchronicity
and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.

It’s gonna be all right
It’s gonna be all right uh huh yeah.
We’re gonna see the sunlight
We’re gonna see the sunlight uh huh yeah.

And the world is made of energy
and the world is possibility
and the world is made of energy
and there's a light inside of you
and there's a light inside of me.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Swiss L-glutathione Soap Price

smelling dung, part

Mientras calculabamos cuántos tuners were in Chicago, there arose a question of Fermi a bit more local: How many cows are in Argentina?.

50% of the response to a question is to understand what is being asked. In this case, it would be: how many heads of cattle are in Argentina?

To begin to answer this question the Fermi , we need to make a quick impromptu survey: How much meat per week consumerism?
Preliminary results: of 10 respondents, average meat consumption per week of about $ \\ small 1.2 \\ pm 0.5 $ kg per week per capita. While the dispersion is large, we use that value as a starting point. On average, a year has 52.1 weeks, then in Argentina should be consumed about $ \\ small 1.2 \\ times $ 52.1 = 62.5 kg per year per inhabitant. We need now to move

kilograms of meat cattle. In a village butcher is that carriers still download a media-res on his shoulders. This sets an upper limit on the mass media-res: say that with sufficient experience and training that give the years of doing the job, the person who unloads the truck can carry a half-response of about 75 kg. According

2010 census, Argentina has 40 million inhabitants, and since there are two half-res per head of cattle, we have:

$ N_v = \\ left (4 \\ times 10 ^ 7 \\ rm {h} \\ right) \\ left (62.5 \\ frac {\\ rm {kg}} {\\ rm {h} \\ times \\ rm {a}} \\ right) \\ left (\\ frac {1} {75} \\ frac {\\ rm {media-res }} {\\ rm {kg}} \\ right) \\ left (\\ frac {1} {2} \\ frac {\\ rm {head}} {\\ rm {media-res}} \\ right) $
$ \\ \\ \\ = 1.67 \\ times 10 ^ 7 \\ approx 17 \\, 000 \\, 000 \\ \\ rm {head / a} $

Our first estimate is that in Argentina, last year, it consumed about 16 and a half million head cattle (steers and heifers).

Contrast this first partial result with the data. A report INTA and SENASA said that in March 2010 was in Argentina almost 19 million head of cattle intended for meat production.

So far so good, and there will be more!! Next delivery

: Cows mothers, fathers cows, cows daughters, dairy

Thursday, April 14, 2011

1974 Amc Javelin For Sale

Tsu Chiang's dream

( Find asterism rat!)
Alvarado Lissette Marie Collaboration

jav Two months ago I posted some pictures with clouds and comets, stars and planets, taken at dusk after sunset, which prompted me to write this little story and here's a short step.
photography, nature, astronomy and a little creativity and inspiration, can motivate us to produce very different things in our daily life. Will not you try?

L a story takes place in the Far East, for so long that it is impossible to specify when it happened. Just know that it was in a small valley surrounded by beautiful mountains and crystal clear rivers, called Tiang Hin. There were gods
responsible for providing what is necessary for living things, but the goddess Luna , hungry for absolute power planning how to fulfill a selfish desire. Full of pride, envy and vanity wanted to conquer a young villager named Tsu Chiang and become one of his slaves.
He took that young liked to swim in the lake at the end day, to seduce him and though he was terrified by the divine presence, told him not interested and Nabiko , his great love was waiting at home.

Moon became angry over pay for that snub by throwing everything in the valley this terrible curse: The people, be turned to stone, Nabico, in a hideous aquatic monster that he could not leave Tsu Chiang lake and a flying dragon that would come every afternoon in the bowels of the mountain. Tsu Chiang
rose into the air to turn the sky with beautiful colored clouds, but could not escape, fell rapidly for the duration of the evening light to approach everything he could to the lake and look for a moment his beloved who was so near the surface as he could, their faces almost touching, but could not pass over. In desperation, Tsu Chiang should always return to the heart of the mountain and stay hidden until the next day at the same time.
Nothing could enter or leave the valley, all was cursed, it was abominable and dangerous.

Outside damn mountain life went on normally but everyone knew the story. Animals or people did not dare to approach, until one day a small rodent called young Yinyín became the hero of this story. Forced
not to return to their region to collect an abundance of roots, walked aimlessly and when night came, it was far from home. Fortunately he found a small hole where the long and narrow feel safe to sleep. His surprise the next day is that I had found the only entrance and exit of the valley.
There, a small rock told the whole story, he was shocked and promised to return with help to end the curse. He left the valley and reached his district to provide him with your help, but as always was despised and punished for not having fulfilled the task assigned.

Disappointed, ran up to a creek, he asked what was wrong. Yinyín narrated his story to anyone who providentially knew the solution. But the problem was an extremely dangerous stunt, however, the little rodent insisted it should take place regardless of the consequences.
The stream before had been a large river, explained that he would reach the highest peak where the sun god kiss the earth goddess to offer their breath of life, there is hidden a magical plant that serves as a guide to Tong Chen , the comet's wishes when he goes to visit his father who is ownership of sun flower and shows the comet at the right time to go through the top of the sky, be granted any wish, but only have three days to make it happen.

Yinyín was physically exhausted, so we invited all the animals of the forest and explained the urgency. A great servant offered to take up as high as I could, ran as fast almost seemed to fly non-stop, day and night, but at dawn the second day could not get older, their hooves worn no longer allowed.
n Yinyí appreciated the help, they separated and continued to climb, but soon tired. He found a mountain lion who was about to devour him, but this meeting Yinyín escapes unharmed and offers to help the wolf. This agrees it was the only survivor who had escaped the curse lunar thanks to the quick action of his mother. One day and one night the wolf climbed relentlessly to reach the summit of the highest mountain at dawn on the third day the wolf was exhausted and told the rodent could do no more. He appreciated the help and continued looking for the magic flower, the key to breaking the spell. By peering over a cliff, nearly lost his life by breaking a huge rock under his feet, precisely where the ground was hidden. Only the timely intervention saved the wolf, to bite his nose its thin tail, but both fell into the abyss.

At that time, rose from the depths of the valley, a huge eagle, seeing that he destroyed the nest rock was built. She was willing to kill the wolf and mouse. Although both animals are natural enemies , Yinyín very diplomatically explained why they were there and how important it was to help save the entire region, as time was running out, at midnight of that third day, Tong Chen and without flowers would not grant any wish.

The Eagle agreed to cooperate, Yinyín straddled her and held her tightly to the feathers of the neck. Aquila took flight, first a decrease in speed and chopped to take time to reach outside the valley, where only the little one could come and discuss the situation on the dragon.
When finally Yinyín had the dragon face to face, made him understand that he was the only hope to break the spell. getting dark and Tsu Chiang, who anxiously awaited the outcome was not addressed to the mountain as usual, he was hiding in the trees until Yinyín give him the signal to start fly to the sky. When was the moment, the dragon asked to be put the flower in its mouth, believing that the rat could not stand the altitude, however, insisted Yinyín accompany it, flower in hand. Together
reached so high a flight until they saw Tong Chen and in that instant, the brightness of the flower was so powerful that the comet did deploy a majestic five-pointed tail.

At that time, the sun's power was present, the curse removed, restored the beauty of the valley and severely rebuked the Moon. Tsu Chiang and Nabico finally able to touch and procreated children of a new history. Unfortunately, in these conditions
Yinyín could not breathe, he lost consciousness, and it crashed, had already died before landfall.

But for this hero and the rest of your friends will never be forgotten, the father of the gods became constellations for the generations to follow them to see, there are the constellations Aquila (the Eagle), s Lupu (the Wolf) Draco (the Dragon), Cetus (Aquatic Monster) and Eridanu s (Rio).

Now I invite you to find Yinyín (the asterism of the Rat), albeit very small and hidden in his hole this
l ar.
What happened to Nabico and Tsu Chiang ?
Well, that's a story that is not over.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Honda Civic 1997 Anti Freeze Type

electric current, resistance and emf

base. University Physics Sears Zemansky, Young-Freedman (Person / Addison Wesley). Eleventh edition. Chapter 25: Power, resistance and electromotive force. #! Download eg power, electric circuit, drift rate, conventional current, ampere, current density, resistivity, conductivity, "law" of Ohm, ohm, resistance, resistor, emf, internal resistance, electrical power.
Read the Summary
, 970 pages
  • 971.
    Study (read carefully) explanations of all figures
  • . Study (read carefully) the resolution of
  • examples, with particular emphasis on innovative procedures and of some complexity, especially as presented in Section 25.4.
  • answer some questions for analysis , this will show her state of understanding of the concepts (theory), for example:
  • Solve exercises about three of each section: 25.11, 25.12, 25.13, 25.32, 25.33, 25.35, 25.36.
  • Solve the following problems :
  • 25.53, 25.57, 25.65, 25.75
  • . To exploit and understand the decisions made then you must read the text on the respective exercise or problem, make a diagram of the situation and attach the relevant information in your workbook. If you find discrepancies in the results of operations, report to a comment.
  • Remember that the offer is a tutorial, so after having studied and worked a concept or problem for which you think you need some advice, you can send a query via a comment. Thanks jav. X

Monday, April 11, 2011

Can Griwn Men Have A Wet Dream

Walk San Cristobal Norte

(Rosas in April)

Aserrí The League of
To start this month that I love so much, I accepted the invitation to walk on Sunday April 3, on the old road to San Cristobal Norte
. In theory, 6 hours through the mountains to the Indian High Hill to an average of 2 miles per hour, more or less about 12 km long.
I started the day at 5:00 and at 6:30 there was the preparation (water, fruit, a sandwich, nothing complicated), welcome and farewell my house. Taxi to parking Al Zaytuna
(is Arabic for -
Los Olivos -?'ll Ask Don Rolando) and 7:00 address the minivan. The beautiful, sunny morning heralded a happy and pleasant journey. As usual, the transport follows a predetermined route to pick up the other participants in other key points. We went Carthage, passing through El Guarco and left the South Panamerican Highway Higuito . We were leaving behind the congestion of the city to make way for the narrow callecillas decorated with typical detailing the picturesque cottages of the place. You can see small shops and soditas, with his typical witty names reflected in the labels (" problems in their drinking " and "Angela
Heaven" with a distinctive emblem of Christianity in the form of fish to one side .)
As we continue to climb (7:55), nature notes increasing prevalence and the pavement disappears. It's the end of motorized travel (1460 m asl), where we began the walk, and tune in with my partner, I felt relaxed and ready to fully enjoy the ride. We started on road ballast, we passed the farm
Palo Alto it looks very well kept and the humble cottage black. Front gate of the farm began Aguas Buenas proper placement in the woods along the old road to San Cristobal
, a vegetated roof path, very nice, chilly and sunless. There I picked my first rose, fresh, warm, tender and sweet with small droplets of water on their petals. 09:30. I love hiking in the mountains, flora and fauna, rivers and lakes, long time no and walked. In this area, vegetation perfectly pleasing to all tastes, were observed symbiotic plants of all kinds, heliconia, creepers, climbers, old man's beard, bamboo mountain coffee plants, many timber species, three hemp plants forgotten. And find a friendly and talkative peasant (with an accent) and his dog that was keeping to the boundaries of his land. The song of birds mingled and hubbub of the market, but interestingly occurred for brief periods. In fact most of the tour we only had the voices of the group and the beating of our hearts.
10:16 and a ray of sun, Don Rolando Coto ( ), our main guide, was very well equipped, both as maps locating equipment , which gave one to several subgroups to keep in touch and together with the confidence that we would never be lost. Carried tools to break through the thick mountain, always concerned for the welfare of the group, stopped us from time to time to give us a chance to recover with short breaks away, we continued the march. walk in some sectors between mud walls, on very narrow shallow grooves, which could only with difficulty before the other shoe. Were the marks left by the motorcycle, possibly left quines motociclismoen like to practice mountain. The thickness of the vegetation and the fresh breeze accompanied by temperature allowed us to fully enjoy the activity was not evident weariness, and the beauty of the landscape allowed us to take many photos.

11:05. Fairly high point with a good view, we stopped for lunch in a beautiful open space but under the shade of the trees. On the right, in the distance, Coris of Carthage, Carthage beyond center, left agglomerated in the distance between San Jose and across the hills of the Carpenter.

12:16, in front of us, happy summit, Cerro

Our guide was provided by comparing the maps, and never doubted the way forward, although it was the first once-all-we made that journey. Some sported different opinions and trying to influence its decisions, has always been strong and allowed us to meet 100% of the planned route on paper. We walked through places where literally ran into nearby, so we crossed through the middle or below, or we brincábamos the obstacle, from the backpacks with the help of colleagues. Several times we had to go around the obstacle and allow the path to re-retrieve below or above.

we're almost at the end of what appears to be a future urban development and an appropriately windy site, where Coopesanta
s are installing several wind power plants for electricity generation, more or less to about 2 km north of San Cristobal. There I had opportunity to pick more roses. Moving on was no longer path, but finally gravel road pavement, where the human hand for progress and change is imposed iron and cement the natural landscape.
14 : 00, finally in San Cristobal Norte
, after 6 hours and about 12 miles. There was festivity in the village, with the traditional duty and sales of food, crafts, beer and soft drinks. Gerardo and
The Hyksos were giving a concert dance and when we politely asked us not to scratch the floor (no ceramic or sura) of grass very jengibrillo close fitting and cut in a horizontal track with other parties on inclines to 10%, a challenge for the dancers. Curiously, in the time we were there we just danced and riders of Harley Davidson
started back to San Jose and at 16:00, and I continued with my crop of roses and a refreshing nap. The minivan was diverted by the Curridabat Hipermás sector, to the galley and a traffic light right where we had stopped, at about 17:30, my left was a beautiful sunset, to take the last shot that day.

Making Your Own Curtain Rods

How many piano tuners are there in Chicago?

The answer to this question and others: Monday April 11, 1918 20. For those who can not wait until the class, we leave the.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sample Wedding Table Chart

solar system on your browser

solar system
How does the solar system from outside the plane of the ecliptic ? How does the Sun from Saturn?

Scope Solar System is a solar system model in real time, forward heliocentric, geocentric or a planetary , and very simple to use interface programmed in flash . It even has a built-in rule that allows know the distance between the planets.
Absolutely recommended ...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Clear Direct Tv Dvr Histor

Monarch Butterfly villalobos personal

had probably been in the early hours of this day. It was still wet, walk erratic, as seen documentaries newborn gazelles on the African savannah. Spread its wings only occasionally and for very short time, so it was difficult to get a picture of those times.
I put my hand on his way and ran up my arm to my head and remained there for more than two hours, even as I write this. You may be attracted to the warmth of my skin and take from the energy needed to complete its birth. I enjoyed lots this time. It has not flown, perhaps only small fluttering, bouncing my head to my shoulder.
The door is open and I hope when feel strong, confident and safe to leave my house and start your own adventure in my garden, or somewhere else and maybe Zapote neighbor seeing her again, or that in a few days back and lay eggs on my plants.
I care about your food, such as new parent (of kings), I do not know how to feed in these first hours. He leaned against a milkweed
florets physocarpa
(leaves and flowers), but ... also orange flowers firecracker, you could suck your espiritrompa some nectar. I read that like to feed on some fruits anything fermented.
And the water where the take? Go straight to read more on the Internet.
If you guess my excitement is due inter alia to the following:

My interest in the monarch began, say the kitchen, on the air chayotillo .
When my three plants were set season, I think I just visited a female monarch, but to lay eggs.

are predators at all stages (egg, larva, pupa).
    I spent about 20 staff to the butterfly larvae, but that number was declining, because migrated, fell, died, etc..
  • A sudden rain earlier this month, destroyed about 50% of the larvae.
  • For carpentry and maintenance work involuntarily strained my chrysalis.
  • Of 5 pupae that remained, four were destroyed by ants, or perhaps even by a parasite that already had the larvae.
  • then only managed to be born an adult. At the moment I do not know if female or male, I see a spot on the wings that is used to distinguish sex.
  • My learning and experience has been great.
  • I will modify the "motherhood", c
a better place secure inside my house and the larvae will feed more or less as in
a "stable", bringing them
milkweed leaves frequently.
also got a breeding ground for Purral of Guadalupe (
some milkweed plants curassavica, lantana
and passionflower
, more welcoming to my little garden.
After telling you.
For now I'll continue to see how it develops my Monarchs.
Saturday 9: It was hovering around the house.
Sunday 10: At 9:00 went flying through a window.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Drag Me To The Hell Transcript

Welcome to Physics 1 A - 2011

start a new year. Welcome!
entries will be updating regularly. In the first, we let the first two guides.
forward your comments to improve the blog.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What Happened To Ls Island

(To protect, observe and study, larvae and pupae, Monarch)
the small garden in front of my house, where I planted the air chayotillo (Asclepias

), grew three plants, 1.8m, 1.2 m and 90 cm, for now. All flowers produced chayotillo, especially the largest and were visited by monarch butterflies (the same?) That laid eggs.
are growing about 15 beautiful and healthy larvae occasionally observed new eggs.
I decided to enclose the middle ground in what I call a butterfly
staff, to spend larger larvae, about to enter the pupal stage (chrysalis) to care for, observe and see the adult (monarch butterflies), before being released. Materials purchased: rule Three meters of pine 2 x 2 cm, three-meter fly sieve 91 cm wide, 8 2.5 inch nails (or 3 of 3 wooden skewers mm), cost 5 000 colones. Overstock recyclable house : Corrugated
, thumbtacks or push pins bighead, tape (duct tape), adhesive white opaque plastic (garbage bag), 6 presses clothesline. Tools:

Saw, drill bit 2 mm (adjusted to diamerie nail), scissors, sharp serrated knife, tape measure, square, pencil.

rules Cut four 1.5 m long and 8 rules of 46 cm long. Use the drill to make holes in two long sides of the rules, to 2 cm and 4 cm from one end (top). Repeat at 60 cm and 62 cm at the other end (bottom). Also use the drill to make holes along, by the end of the 8 rules of 46 cm.

Assemble the frame with the 8 nails (or if you prefer to use wooden blocks of the skewers). Fasten with tape.
For the floor, cut a square of corrugated cardboard 50 cm each side and remove a small corner squares of 2 x 2 cm (to fit the vertical rules).
Make a cut on one side to the center and there make a hole about 3 cm (to accommodate the stem of chayotillo). The floor is important to: collect larvae that fall, preventing the entry of predatory insects, larvae collected droppings
    (additional microbiological investigation!
  • )
  • Place the sieve net with bugs, leaving at the beginning about 5 cm free (tab) to close the door (wait!) Cover prism 4 sides leaving about 5 cm free at the end of the fourth side, next to the first (broad) for closing the system door with clothespins presses.

  • The lid is important to maintain, observe, take pictures and mainly to protect the larvae from the strong solar radiation in these days of March and April (and excessive rain below).
  • Build a box - no caps, corrugated cardboard (with some fins above), about 51 cm side (inside) and about 10 cm high, to fit snugly over the prism.
  • Cover his top (the roof) with opaque plastic. Seal with glue or tape. Verify that you can easily remove and replace.
    chayotillo Place in the butterfly garden, large larvae
    about to begin the next stage
    . Small leave them at the other plants, are very greedy! Will eat in a short time all the leaves from your hotel chayotillo.
    Position and adjust the top floor. Close the door gathering
  • fins (1 and 4) with clothespins presses. Possibly

  • wind can knock their butterfly, then tie it four winds , as with a tent. Now wait, observe, make notes in your log book, give maintenance, take photos, go to the butterfly larvae large. Write a report.
  • Pupae prefer to hang from the underside of the beams (wood). If you need more, stick to the sieve some strips of styrofoam.
  • Well now that I told him as I did my personal butterfly. Design and build your own, will be more educational and fun.

  • butterfly Next I use will be different, because it will include everything you've learned. Especially not make many modifications later, their larvae and pupae will be grateful.
    If someday I have a suitable piece of land, will build a bigger, perhaps even able to walk within it, including other families of butterflies. And sit to hear the beautiful sound of nature, when he plays his flute.

  • And like everything we call life in the universe, or at least on planet Earth in which we live, watch them: birth, growth, react, reproduce and die.

Good luck.
Tell me how it goes.

Want some milkweed seeds physocarpa? I can give about 10 of chayotillo born.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Milena Velba Ridding On Bus

24 Capacitance and Dielectrics

Text base. University Physics Sears Zemansky, Young-Freedman (Person / Addison Wesley). Eleventh edition. Chapter 24:
Before the class, reading the whole run
chapter 24, sections:
24.1 to 24.4, mainly.

Mark your notebook the
new business concepts and
  • Capacitor, capacitance (C), dielectric, polarization, charge on a capacitor, farad (F), capacitor parallel plates capacitors in series and parallel equivalent capacitance (C eq ), a network of capacitors, potential energy stored in a capacitor, energy density of electric field, dielectric constant (K), induced charge, permittivity, law Gauss in a dielectric .
  • Read the Summary , pages 932-933.
    Study (read carefully) explanations of all figures . Study (read carefully) the resolution of examples, paying special attention to new procedures and some complejidad, especialmente lo presentados en las secciones 24.1 y 24.2.
  • Conteste algunas de las Preguntas para análisis , esto le mostrará su estado de comprensión de los conceptos (teoría), por ejemplo:
  • Resuelva unos tres
  • Ejercicios
  • de cada una de las secciones: 24.13, 24.15, 24.24, 24.25, 24.37, 24.39, 24.45, 24,47. Resuelva los siguientes
  • Problemas : 24.59, 24.60, 24.64, 24.71, 24.72.
  • To exploit and understand the decisions made then you must read the text on the respective exercise or problem, make a diagram of the situation and attach the relevant information in your workbook.
  • If you find discrepancies in the results of operations, report to a comment. Remember that the offer is a tutorial, so after having studied and worked a concept or problem for which you think you need some advice, you can send a query via a comment. Thanks