( Find asterism rat!)
Alvarado Lissette Marie Collaboration
jav Two months ago I posted some pictures with clouds and comets, stars and planets, taken at dusk after sunset, which prompted me to write this little story and here's a short step.
photography, nature, astronomy and a little creativity and inspiration, can motivate us to produce very different things in our daily life. Will not you try?
photography, nature, astronomy and a little creativity and inspiration, can motivate us to produce very different things in our daily life. Will not you try?
L a story takes place in the Far East, for so long that it is impossible to specify when it happened. Just know that it was in a small valley surrounded by beautiful mountains and crystal clear rivers, called Tiang Hin. There were gods
responsible for providing what is necessary for living things, but the goddess Luna , hungry for absolute power planning how to fulfill a selfish desire. Full of pride, envy and vanity wanted to conquer a young villager named Tsu Chiang and become one of his slaves. He took that young liked to swim in the lake at the end day, to seduce him and though he was terrified by the divine presence, told him not interested and Nabiko , his great love was waiting at home.
responsible for providing what is necessary for living things, but the goddess Luna , hungry for absolute power planning how to fulfill a selfish desire. Full of pride, envy and vanity wanted to conquer a young villager named Tsu Chiang and become one of his slaves. He took that young liked to swim in the lake at the end day, to seduce him and though he was terrified by the divine presence, told him not interested and Nabiko , his great love was waiting at home.
Moon became angry over pay for that snub by throwing everything in the valley this terrible curse: The people, be turned to stone, Nabico, in a hideous aquatic monster that he could not leave Tsu Chiang lake and a flying dragon that would come every afternoon in the bowels of the mountain. Tsu Chiang
rose into the air to turn the sky with beautiful colored clouds, but could not escape, fell rapidly for the duration of the evening light to approach everything he could to the lake and look for a moment his beloved who was so near the surface as he could, their faces almost touching, but could not pass over. In desperation, Tsu Chiang should always return to the heart of the mountain and stay hidden until the next day at the same time.
rose into the air to turn the sky with beautiful colored clouds, but could not escape, fell rapidly for the duration of the evening light to approach everything he could to the lake and look for a moment his beloved who was so near the surface as he could, their faces almost touching, but could not pass over. In desperation, Tsu Chiang should always return to the heart of the mountain and stay hidden until the next day at the same time.
Nothing could enter or leave the valley, all was cursed, it was abominable and dangerous.
Outside damn mountain life went on normally but everyone knew the story. Animals or people did not dare to approach, until one day a small rodent called young Yinyín became the hero of this story. Forced
not to return to their region to collect an abundance of roots, walked aimlessly and when night came, it was far from home. Fortunately he found a small hole where the long and narrow feel safe to sleep. His surprise the next day is that I had found the only entrance and exit of the valley.
There, a small rock told the whole story, he was shocked and promised to return with help to end the curse. He left the valley and reached his district to provide him with your help, but as always was despised and punished for not having fulfilled the task assigned.
Disappointed, ran up to a creek, he asked what was wrong. Yinyín narrated his story to anyone who providentially knew the solution. But the problem was an extremely dangerous stunt, however, the little rodent insisted it should take place regardless of the consequences.

The stream before had been a large river, explained that he would reach the highest peak where the sun god kiss the earth goddess to offer their breath of life, there is hidden a magical plant that serves as a guide to Tong Chen , the comet's wishes when he goes to visit his father who is ownership of sun flower and shows the comet at the right time to go through the top of the sky, be granted any wish, but only have three days to make it happen.
Yinyín was physically exhausted, so we invited all the animals of the forest and explained the urgency. A great servant offered to take up as high as I could, ran as fast almost seemed to fly non-stop, day and night, but at dawn the second day could not get older, their hooves worn no longer allowed.

n Yinyí appreciated the help, they separated and continued to climb, but soon tired. He found a mountain lion who was about to devour him, but this meeting Yinyín escapes unharmed and offers to help the wolf. This agrees it was the only survivor who had escaped the curse lunar thanks to the quick action of his mother. One day and one night the wolf climbed relentlessly to reach the summit of the highest mountain at dawn on the third day the wolf was exhausted and told the rodent could do no more. He appreciated the help and continued looking for the magic flower, the key to breaking the spell. By peering over a cliff, nearly lost his life by breaking a huge rock under his feet, precisely where the ground was hidden. Only the timely intervention saved the wolf, to bite his nose its thin tail, but both fell into the abyss.
At that time, rose from the depths of the valley, a huge eagle, seeing that he destroyed the nest rock was built. She was willing to kill the wolf and mouse. Although both animals are natural enemies , Yinyín very diplomatically explained why they were there and how important it was to help save the entire region, as time was running out, at midnight of that third day, Tong Chen and without flowers would not grant any wish.

When finally Yinyín had the dragon face to face, made him understand that he was the only hope to break the spell. getting dark and Tsu Chiang, who anxiously awaited the outcome was not addressed to the mountain as usual, he was hiding in the trees until Yinyín give him the signal to start fly to the sky. When was the moment, the dragon asked to be put the flower in its mouth, believing that the rat could not stand the altitude, however, insisted Yinyín accompany it, flower in hand. Together
reached so high a flight until they saw Tong Chen and in that instant, the brightness of the flower was so powerful that the comet did deploy a majestic five-pointed tail.
reached so high a flight until they saw Tong Chen and in that instant, the brightness of the flower was so powerful that the comet did deploy a majestic five-pointed tail.
At that time, the sun's power was present, the curse removed, restored the beauty of the valley and severely rebuked the Moon. Tsu Chiang and Nabico finally able to touch and procreated children of a new history. Unfortunately, in these conditions
Yinyín could not breathe, he lost consciousness, and it crashed, had already died before landfall.
Yinyín could not breathe, he lost consciousness, and it crashed, had already died before landfall.
Now I invite you to find Yinyín (the asterism of the Rat), albeit very small and hidden in his hole this l ar.
What happened to Nabico and Tsu Chiang ?
Well, that's a story that is not over.
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