Monday, March 21, 2011

Chelsea Charms Biggest Breasts

(well, almost)

Although our school books say more than sixty years ago "the sun rises in the east and sets in the west" , we know that this is a generic assessment, because our experience and observation has shown that this school claim does not relate to the true (exact ) East and West.

Zapote Country Exhibition 19/03/2011, 06:1

Because the Sun (as seen from Earth) Ecuador does not flow over the land (by the blue Ecuador), but by the ecliptic, which is inclined 23.5 ° with respect to Ecuador, then the azimuth
sunrise and sunset from this star, varies during year, but in a repetitive and predictable, making it possible to build monuments (observatories or calendars) astronomical and Stonehenge ,
and others.

But if the sun rises in the east and sets exactly in the west accurate, at least two days a year
, seen by an observer from any point on Earth.
These two days are the dates of the equinoxes
, the March and September, which for practical purposes, for comments, photos, etc.., can be extended without much error, two or three days before and after the equinoxes.

usually can not see an exit (or entry) Sun proper level of our personal horizons, for cloud cover ranges environment or we hide it until they have a certain altitude, but if we do it as soon as there is enough light to define shadows in these equinoctial days, projected shadows of vertical objects such as poles of power lines, edges of walls of buildings and our own shadow on a horizontal surface, point toward East-West
at dawn and in the direction West-East
at sunset.

that if the mark with chalk on a patio or street, or take pictures, have a fairly reliable information on the East-West, where you live.
What if you want the North-South?
Well, now you have two simple options:
- Make marks at 90 ° (with a square), with respect to the equinoctial shadow
- Wait for the exact time of the culmination of the Sun any day of the year (excluding days of sun overhead) and repeat the treatment of shadows.
Eye is not exactly when you mark your clock at 12:00! If in doubt I can advise you.
So even today and tomorrow will also have the opportunity to take their pictures with shadows East-West in the early spring, or if it appears to wait for sunrise at the equinox of September [23 / 09; 3:04 (09:04 UTC).]
I would like to put some of his photos here.
Bambi OST - 10 - Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song (1942)


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