" In a patriarchal blessing received fifteen years earlier, Bryant was promised: "Not only will get you to be great but so will your posterity, your loins will statesmen, prophets, priests and kings of the Most High. The priesthood will never depart from your family. There will be no end to thy seed ... and the name of Hinckley will be honored in all nations under heaven . " Months after the death of his wife, Bryant Hinckley felt her children needed a mother and a companion. He was then chancellor of the LDS Business College, and Ada Bitner, talented teacher of English and shorthand, was part of teachers. After a brief courtship, Bryant and Ada were married in the Salt Lake on August 4, 1909.
"The day that Bryant and Ada were overjoyed by the arrival of their first child, could not have foreseen that this child would greatly fulfilling prophecy. He was born on June 23, 1910, and received the maiden name of his mother, so you know as Gordon Bitner Hinckley (Dew, Go Forward with Faith, page 22)..
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