Thomas S. Monson
"After eight years, when I was baptized and received the Holy Spirit impressed me that should be good and worthy of having me to help me throughout my life. I was told that the Holy Spirit only in good company and when evil enters our lives, he walks away. Not knowing when I need his views and guidance, I tried to live so as not to lose this gift. On one occasion, saved my life.
"During the Second World War, I was a gunner in a B-24 bomber in the South Pacific ... One day he announced he was going to attempt the flight longest bombing had been done so far to destroy an oil refinery. Promptings of the Spirit told me I was assigned to go on the flight but did not lose his life. It was then the president of the group (group leader in the armed forces) of Latter-day Saints.
"The fighting was fierce as we fly on Borneo. Our plane was hit by the attacking planes and soon burst into flames and the pilot told us we could be prepared to jump, I was the last. As we descended, we were shooting the enemy pilots. I struggled to inflate my life raft, sinking and turning the corner several times, I started to choke me and I fainted. I regained consciousness for a moment and shouted: 'God, save me' ... Another I once tried to inflate the raft and this time succeeded. With just enough air to stay afloat, it climbed too exhausted to move.
"For three days floating in enemy waters with ships and planes flying over us. How they saw a group of yellow raft floating on blue waters, is a mystery, "he wrote. "A storm came and the waves of nine feet were about to destroy the pond. It was three days without food or water. The others asked me if I prayed and I said yes and for sure we rescue them. That night we came to our rescue submarine, but it passed. The next morning the same thing happened, we knew that this was the last day I would be in the area. Then I got the impressions of the Holy Spirit
'You have the priesthood. Send the sub to pick. " I prayed silently: 'In the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the priesthood, turn around and pick us up. " A few minutes later were on our side. When we got on deck, the captain said, 'I do not know how to find them, we were not looking for them', but I do knew " 1
I leave you my testimony that this work in which we are engaged is true. The Lord is at the helm. My sincere prayer is that we always follow Him in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
1. Personal correspondence in the possession of President Thomas S. Monson.
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