Sr. Chairman Larry and Lisa Laycock Laycoock.
Presidents of Chile Santiago East Mission
Sister Lisa Laycock, wife of Chile Santiago East Mission President Larry Laycock, sent an email to friends and family about the earthquake that struck the country of Chile on 27 February. She asked that her message be shared "with the hope that it can inspire others. "These are excerpts from his e-mail:" I am writing to let you all know how grateful we are for your prayers, concern and love. Please keep praying! We need God's help and guidance in order to do what He wants us to learn what they would learn from this tragedy terremoto.Durante recent days we have witnessed many events that remind us that the Lord is office and as missionaries and members of his church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are carrying out their work, and as President [Thomas S.] Monson taught: "When we in the Lord's work, we are entitled to their help. "I want to share with you some miracles to help you understand our deep sense of gratitude. (Intellectual Reserve Inc.Larry and Lisa Laycock.)
" hen we were freshly prepared for this call, Elder Richard G. Scott, the [Council of the Twelve Apostles taught us many important lessons. He spoke from personal experience when he was mission president in Argentina. One of the messages shared with us is as follows: "At times during his mission, he awoke in the middle of the night or early morning with thoughts of things to do for some missionaries. Do not ignore these thoughts. Are impulses of the Holy Spirit communicated to them in the stillness of the night or the peace of the morning. He will speak, because that's when you can listen. "Elder Scott instructed us to keep a notebook next to our bed so we could record these impulses precise spirit. He said the next morning, is likely to forget the impulses if not write." We have been astonished at the performance of the prophetic words of Elder Scott. We have received many impressions on the exact way that Elder Scott described. We are grateful that Elder Scott taught us how to recognize and act on these impulses.
"Nearly two and a half weeks [before the] earthquake, I woke up around 4 am. I heard a voice, but the idea was as clear as if it had been in the form of spoken words:" Go to have an earthquake. Prepare your missionaries. "I sat in bed and immediately recalled the advice of Elder Scott. That morning I told Larry what had happened. I immediately went to work organizing our mission to prepare for an earthquake. "
" In talking with the missionaries to our office to take action, we set a goal and arrange our schedule so we could visit all the apartments of the mission to ensure the safety and review of our missionaries know what to do in case of an earthquake. What a wonderful experience that we had to have met with them and share with them the Scripture to be spiritually and physically prepared. "... If ye are prepared ye shall not fear" (D & C 38:30). Instruct all missionaries to have a "go-bag" (36 hour kit). We review our emergency action plan with them, where to go and what to do if they had phone service and if not tubieran. We gave them each a paper with all instructions in English and English, and remind them that "this life is the time to prepare to meet God "(Alma 34:32-34). We share with them our thoughts and feelings about the need for spiritual and physical security. Some of them were frightened and asked us if we knew something he did not know. I I smile and repeat "... If ye are prepared ye shall not fear. "
prepared just wanted to embers. remember with tears our recent conference in which he had shared our feelings about our beloved Elder McKay Burrows who was called home unexpectedly in January, while serving his mission in Romania ... the way it was prepared in every way to find God. We have reaffirmed nuestro desafio de 'estar preparado' en todos los sentidos. Luego nos arrodillamos junto a ellos en su apartamento y dedicado cada departamento, pidiendo una bendición de la seguridad y la seguridad que en cada departamento.
"Cuando paso el terremoto, estábamos preparados. No hemos tenido el pánico que muchos sentían. Sabíamos que estábamos preparados. Debido a las palabras del apóstol escogido del Señor, el élder Scott, que había escuchado y tenido en cuenta la tranquilidad, pero impresiones claras del Espíritu Santo. Fuimos bendecidos con la paz en medio del caos. Aprendimos una lección importante: nuestra preparación nos ayudó to avoid panic and fear, but the Lord in His wisdom has allowed us to experience discomfort enough to know that He has all power. It has everything to his office. We are nothing without him. We depend on Him for every breath we take. He alone can save us from death and destruction. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is our perfect example. If we follow, we shall be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel.
"Today, we attended the church when [President Laycock] was invited to speak. The whole chapel was full and beyond. People are so humble and so docile. [He] taught the importance of small things. He taught about Jesus Christ and the opportunity we have to love each other and to share what we have with others. It was a great blessing for us to be with the beautiful people of Chile. Some have lost their homes ... or at least parts of their homes. But they are strong and want to serve the Lord. Writing taught in Luke 21:11,13 says: "There will be great earthquakes in various places ... also welcomed the sweet young woman who was in the congregation with missionaries ... the first time attend the church ... and then [from the pulpit] he invited her to be baptized. He asked to please us invite to his baptism, and she said, "I will." The Lord always knows what his people need. [Our son] Landon was reading in Alma 15:17 today. He said, 'Mom listen to this. This is what is happening here in Chile as in the case in Ammonihah. The people are humiliated and "control, the pride of her heart and began to humble themselves before God, continually watching and praying that they might be freed from Satan, and death and destruction."
'"Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for all the blessings we have received in the Chile Santiago East Mission. We see miracles every days. In the midst of great pain and suffering, we can always find our Savior. He is standing with His arms outstretched, begging for all of us to be humble and get to it. He loves us. He invites us to accept your gift ... Atonement. He invites us to repentance. He wants us to love each other and serve each other. He wants us to bring our families and our loved ones to it. We can do it. We can do whatever he asks, no matter how difficult it may seem. "With God all things are possible .'...
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