Monday, December 8, 2008

Braces And Drinking Red Wine

Reductio ad doxa

If I had studied literature or, perhaps, philosophy, my dissertation would have been safely research on the aesthetic value of texts reactionary. The sheer audacity to defend indefensible positions, based on census suffrage, dictatorship, absolute monarchy, integration of church and state, inequality, or whatever-has some romantic, rebellious and even provocative. In this regard, reactionaries are often about artists.

On the other hand, my impression is that the word 'liberal' or left rarely have a sense of humor, with the honorable exception of Marx and some followers.

Take for example the following paragraph from ' Chilean church and political debate ' by Jaime Guzmán:

Our thesis is that the current pro-Marxist position of Catholicism called "progressive" or "Christian left "is the simple logical deduction of its postulates, taken by the mechanics of the facts to their ultimate consequences. The naive, and with them the idiots of all kinds and levels, have been grossly deceived, and are the only ones surprised to find plausible explanation. Things went further than they have thought and desired, but the blame for that, rather than the impenetrability of the events and their projections into the future, it is necessary to look at the sharp limitation of certain minds, who today remains only as a last resort, the goofy grin of embarrassment.

Wonderful, right?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cost Of Tooth Extraction California

3. Superheroes

On the subject of superheroes I focus on two of them, Spiderman and Flash .

Who has not heard of Spiderman ... from their webs, walking through the roof and climb the walls?.

If we seek a parallel to real life, normal people can not climbing the walls and are only a few animals such as spiders and insects who may do so.

This is because the balance between the forces (the attractive force of gravity pulling down and another force of cohesion that allows be to be on the wall).
While in the case of gravity involved the mass and volume, the cohesive force influences the size of the creature ... the more increase, the greater the weight.

Humans could not do many things that makes this
superhero (and is climbing, climb, walk on the ceiling and all that with great agility) but to have his super powers, along with irregularities that have in the palms of your hands can hold and allow to adhere to many surfaces and is "feasible" climbing to reach the roofs of buildings.

Another man, though not as well known, you can do this is Mohinder (the Dr. Mohinder Suresh, Heroes Series ( http://es.wikipedia .org / wiki / H% C3% A9roes_ (serie_de_TV) ) and as Peter Parker has the agility, strength and virtually the same powers him.

Another very typical failure can be seen in Spiderman, but also with many other superheroes (Superman, ..) is stopping the free fall of people who are falling, very sharp ... causing a very rapid deceleration and would not survive.

Changing superhero powers and have a Flash , which has a superhuman speed, which sometimes even goes to run at the speed of light. This power is achieved after being hit by lightning.

The ability to travel many miles to these speeds we have to take into account many details such as friction and body temperature after running so fast, energy-consuming ...

With the speed you can reach your body would burn by friction with the air and no one knows where that heat is generated by moving so fast.
Also, how all the energy consumed recover?. As the book says "The Physics of Superheroes (Robinbook) James Kakalios, Flash would need about 30,000 miles after crossing the second energy equivalent to that would provide 50 million XXL burger!. I should be eating nonstop.

Other problems they must face, as happened to the Human Torch in the film we saw in class "Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer" , is the destruction of clothing each time it moves so fast and, above all, when he was running it would cost to maneuver because of the speed it carries. Besides any defect that would cause around.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prominent Veins In Breast Am I Pregnant


sociology study does not lead anyone to become an expert on logic or argument, but I have a little personal interest in these issues.

During some conversations, I have come to identify one of the arguments that I dislike, it seems less logical, but against which, bound by social norms, you can not do much more than silence and change subject.

So I have very vague known as reductio ad doxa : turning every conversation into a mere matter of individual opinion impossible to criticize without one passing through the positions intolerant of others.

works more or less well. In front of a conversation where there is disagreement, the individual who uses the argument Reductio ad doxa responds as follows:

Well, I do not believe / I believe / think so. What

automatically equate to "bizantinizar" the talk about the issue that caused the disagreement, to the point that can no longer continue to talk and you better change the subject to something more frivolous , if at that point yet possible. The failure of the argument is that everyone who uses it to defend its hiding behind the wrong idea, for my taste, tolerance, belief or opinion that an individual deserves to be considered as valuable and true by the mere fact of being an individual belief, only by the fact be issued, not by how therefor.

There is a distinction, this time more sociological. What in the field of politics or academia might be acceptable or desirable (the dissent argued, on the assumption that it is not acceptable any idea shield against criticism) is rarely accepted in other interactions . In everyday interactions in the lifeworld by Habermas put it, the tolerance of dissent argued is much lower than in other areas of social life. In effect, hence the disagreement can be quite tiring.

Alternatively, someone could also say "most do not think like you, so resign yourself" . But I think that this form of argument has already been described as misleading by someone else.

Moral: if you are taking a coffee or a drink with someone, show disagrees happy and cautiously, measuring each step like a cat stalking its prey, unless you are sure that your partner find stimulating conversation, of occasionally, about something that goes beyond the anecdotal.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Capillaries In Genitals


A paragraph in the regulation of day care Metro Bicycle, written by a clever lawyer : (...)

Nursery manager shall make return of the bike, after signing the respective proof by the user. Once signed the removal of the bicycle by the user, it is understood that he has received his complete satisfaction and waive any further compensation or claim in relation to the condition of the bike.

paragraph unbeatable logic impresses me: before you can ride in there hands to sign, but once that is signed and can not claim for damage, which in turn are difficult to detect without have the bike in your hands.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tattooed Female Genetalia

2. Small creatures

In the previous issue we discussed the issue of "Giant Creatures," now playing the "Little Creatures" class after seeing "The Incredible Shrinking Man."
In many science fiction films is the subject of considerable proportional decrease the size of objects, people and animals.

But this is not possible due to the structure of matter. To shrink a creature, must bear in mind the Law of the scale ... if we reduce the size of a creature, the volume and mass would be reduced to the cube of the scale factor chosen.

There are some theories that might support this:

- Reduce the number of atoms ---> But then .. What atoms would be removed?

- Reducing the link distance between molecules ----> The density would be very great because the same mass departure by a very small volume would be great. I could not support its own weight and die crushed. As it happened also to the giant creatures that they had some relative strength and could carry no weight if exceeded X measurements.

- Reduce the size of atoms ---> for diminishing the mass would be transformed into energy (it would be a lot of it) using the equation E = mc2, Einstein.

Getting in the event that a child might wane, he would face a number of difficulties: being in an environment such as water, the sound of voices, bones, cold ... and also changes as increased relative strength of being tiny.

* sound of voices:

- What I hear them: As in the previous case depends on the frequency of sounds emitted by people who are close to the person tiny, but neither could hear if they were normal people instead of having their size.

- If a person makes a sound waning: the extent of his voice is different from what would your normal size. Is smaller.
With different sizes is shown that the frequency of the sound emitted would be proportional to the inverse length squared. Emit a sound frequency that most likely no one would listen. Would have to calculate the frequency of sound (Herz) taking into account the normal rate of a human and what measure to have waned.

* Vision:
shrink, is supposed to do proportionately all parts of your body by the law of the scale. In this case, also reduce the size of the eyes is a change in the view of the subject by the angular resolution of the eye, its diameter and the wavelength of light perceived by the infant child. Should also be taken into account the diffraction of the eyes.

* temperature (cold):

small creatures, like small animals also support the cold worse than large ones. An example we see almost daily would babies / toddlers that although for us not too cold, they have to keep you warm. One effect of this is that smaller animals spend the whole day eating to prune r recover heat because their bodies do not retain heat.

Other examples: mice, birds and also the fact that in areas with cold climates have no small animals.

* Force Relative

increases the relative strength of the person or creature that has shrunk / diminished / reduced in size ... Because the formula is Force = mass relative bearable-weight baby.

* Speed:

If we have an adult and next to a small child, the adult will go faster than the smallest.
speed = space / time

Friday, October 31, 2008

How To Start A Relationship When I Have Herpes

Meanwhile, another campaign ... Obama and Latin America

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How To Masterbate Internally

Elections and low tech

Although it has not been published Latinobarómetro , I just found out that this year's version of survey included questions about the U.S. presidential . If I understand correctly, is the first time you ask for international affairs.

These are some of the results as The Economist :

[the study] shows that 29% of respondents think an Obama victory would be better for their country, against only 8% favoring McCain. Perhaps unexpectedly, a 30% believes that it is irrelevant who wins, while 31% says not to know. The enthusiasm for Obama is particularly high in the Dominican Republic (52% ), Costa Rica, Uruguay and Brazil (41% ). Another issue

striking: "In Brazil, six candidates included 'Barack Obama' as part of its name for municipal elections." Similar to what we here in Chile Claudio Orrego made that put posters with his photo Peñalolén imitating Obama (thanks for the tip Xavi).

If the U.S. elections are November 4, will they publish the entire study (or at least more complete results) before that date?

Update: This is the picture Poster Claudio Orrego. I found the blog of Aldo Vega.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Harold And Kumar Bottomless Scene Free Uncensored

1. Giant creatures

This year I have pointed to a free election is called Physics in Science Fiction . We have to publish entries (though I'm a little delayed with the publications, I hope to catch up) trying on the various issues discussed in class and / or who had do with physics in movies, stories, sci-fi series ....

The first topic we have discussed have been the giant creatures and although now I will summarize and comment over at the classroom, then put something homegrown. The first movie I've seen "The Food of the Gods" (1976), which is based on a novel by HG Wells. Do not want to spoil the plot in case anyone is curious, and plans to see, yet the story is set on an island and after eating a strange substance animal beings become giants. We see huge rats, worms, wasps ... they really could not exist because they have been enlarged proportionately.

order to explain the inability of these creatures, we must apply the Law of the Scale [body increases proportionally in all 3 dimensions (x, y, z)] and, therefore, its volume increases by scale factor squared and cubed volume:

mass of giant creature = (altura c.g/altura inicial) 3 por la masa inicial

El ejemplo de clase lo hicimos con King Kong:

- Gorila Inicial: altura: 2 m masa: 200kg

- Gorila Gigante: altura: 15m masa: ¿?

m' = (15/2) 3 .200 à ¡¡ 84 Tm!!

Nada más y nada menos que nuestro gorila gigante pesaría 84 Tm. ¿Creéis que podría con su propio peso? ¿ O incluso aunque pudiese, podría moverse de la forma he does?

For the weight they would support the bones of the creature is necessary to calculate the relative strength. Depending on the animal is larger or smaller. Suppose we had initially Gorilla can support 2 times its weight Ropi p, ie yourself and your other like him. As:

Force on = weight bearable / animal weight

Therefore, the gorilla would be able to withstand 400kg.

The larger the size of the creature, the lower the relative strength which means they can charge even less weight.

Applying the Law of the scale, the first gorilla can we add 1 meter, 2m, ... so on up to 4 meters, which would be the most that could grow to in order to sustain itself. Therefore, the giant gorilla box (15 feet) would be impossible to exist.

For this reason there have been both size creatures on Earth and those we know are in the water because they move better. In the earth's surface could hardly move. Can not compare the tons of a blue whale (largest mammal) with tons of elephant (largest land mammal), this is due to the medium in which they live.

If moving water is better thanks to Archimedes' Principle : that "everyone says or body immersed in a fluid experiences a vertical and upward thrust equal to the weight of fluid evacuated. "

Similarly, no large creatures that have existed would be proportional, but need stronger bones and wide, hence it can have huge paws. To change the relative strength, cited above, it is necessary to change other body proportions and therefore would not be a huge gorilla gorilla-shaped, or a giant rat with a rat. Just have some resemblance to the original animal.

PS: As already I'm late, I will add later the second part of the giant creatures.

Opening Prayer For A Debutante

Unfortunately I am registered and vote. But since I am forced to go to meet the very pretentiously called " civic duty, I can at least take the opportunity to make a few observations.

really is just an observation: do not think it should replace our voting mechanism for an electronic .

technology enthusiasts style Nicholas Negroponte often predict (and craving) that everything that can be digital will be digital . Following this idea, there are many people that it seems an anachronism inexcusable mark their choice on paper made of atoms. However, in the case of elections, the atoms replacing bits (I think that was the metaphor Negroponte wearing) could cause a serious problem.

The current system functions with records in book form, analog with pencil signatures, a ballot paper that is also marked with a pencil and ink on a finger. This is a simple, transparent, can be understood by anyone and that allows the counting is done publicly, in view of those who want to witness it. If there is a change to an electronic voting system, would move from a low-tech technology to a mechanism more complex and require expert operation. In this jump, I think, would be a significant loss of transparency. Elections at least vote count would no longer be a procedure that anyone can understand and follow as it is today.

Here is a good example of a modernizing reform failed miserably recently in part by discarding a low-tech solution : Transantiago. The new public transport plan that eliminated forever coordination indispensable agent of the old system, the toad , and the frequencies of the routes simply stopped working. Without a functional substitute for the coordinating agent, can still see how they spend two or three microphones of the same course together and empty. These days

of technological euphoria, we should not forget the importance of and the solutions are still low-tech to solve problems of social life.

picture obtained here .

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cosmetic Bag Fold, -favor, -hang

Mankiw II Translating

had already shown in the blog translation made by Yoram Bauman Principles of Economics Mankiw. Now I hear that appeared a hip hop version:

Demand, Supply - Rhythm, Rhyme, Results

immediately comes to my head lyrics Ten Crack Commandments . The interesting thing, besides how funny it is that the rap seems to be the best language available to express musically the utilitarianism that permeates all economic theory:

Lesson # 4: it's like the carrot and the stick
We break it down so you can see What Makes the world tick
So why do we do the Things That We Do?
It's a system of incentives That We Respond to all

whilst still expecting a parodic version of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism or Distinction.

sociology seems that no one gives much ball.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Best Way To Mastrabating

The socióblogo at the party

for questions in the comments how he left the party , here's a picture in which I appear I contemplating the star, ja.

behind here may also see Bitch Daughter. The picture is of Diego Marín, who do not know, but it took great pictures of the party. The others can be seen in their Flickr in this link.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dirver Licencence Says Temprory

The state and education

propose a game for today: guess the name of the author of this paragraph. Find the answer in Google before answering is cheating. Those highlighted in bold are the owner of the blog, not the original: That's
"popular education by the State" is totally unacceptable. One thing is to determine, through a general law, the resources of public schools, the qualifications of the teachers, teaching materials, etc., And, as in the United States, to ensure compliance of these legal requirements by inspectors State, and another thing altogether to name the state as the educator of the people! What you need to do is more school subtract from any influence by the government and the Church (...). Nevertheless
its democratic jingle, the program is wholly infested to the core of the faith servile sect Lassalle in the State, or, what is not best-of democratic superstition, or rather a committed between these two superstitions ...

a) Ivan Moreira. He said in a press conference one summer, a time when Novoa gave him the keys and 5 lucas party to look after it while he goes on vacation.

b) The bearded Karl Marx. It is a criticism of the German Workers Party compromise too much with the bourgeois order, instead of directing their efforts to combat it.

c) Mónica Jiménez, Minister of Education. This was the last I managed to say before you throw a bucket of water on my face.

d) Max Stirner in his book The unique property. It is part of an argument with dyes individualistic anarchism.

e) The hyper Milton Friedman in Free to Choose. Vent their anger after anti-statist in this paragraph, is dedicated to exposing how voucher system works.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cephadyn With Hydrocodone


All this is to fund the third issue of Shovel, a sociology journal devoted to this issue of sex and power. As if reading is not reached, there will be a stripper shows a star and the son of a bitch ; also raffle sex toys. On alcohol, will Piscola to $ 1,000, also beer roncola $ 1,000 to $ 2,000

Tickets are $ 2,500 until 12 pm . After up to $ 3,500.

Go and meet the socióblogo in person!


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Milena Velba Und Micky

frequently who read newspapers and magazines, even if done with some reluctance and little attention as I know that fashion has been the idea that the elite are pessimistic . A magazine of those dedicated to telling stories about the power and the powerful and devoted a cover to the subject. The newspapers, meanwhile, have been published in recent weeks some columns that are in charge of analyzing the problem, by those already known to all talking heads of the media.

It is still striking that is people who hold very prominent positions within the elite (positions associated with the symbolic power) who say that the elite has a depressed mood. In other words, this is something of a self-diagnosis, self-observation, an exercise in self-reference. In any case should not be surprising that elites like they look in the mirror.

How to know if it is true that the elite are pessimistic? is very difficult to say with more certainty of delivering a hunch or opinion of an insider . The national public opinion polls are completely useless for knowing perceptions and states morale in the elite. Specific studies on the Chilean elite, like the chapter dedicated to him UNDP 2004, I have seen lately have been published. So that being a matter of intuition, I guess anyone can say. Reading

a of the same day, I found a story about the study results Global Wealth 2008, the Boston Consulting Group , which examines the changing fortunes in the world. Said about Chile:

In the segment of the population over $ 100 billion in assets, wealth rose 35% to U.S. $ 80 billion. This is a major advance the country in the last 3 years (...). As for families with more than $ 5 million , the study revealed that they rose 38% from 900 to 1,240 homes.
It quoted an expert who explains that increased wealth has to do with the appreciation of the peso against the dollar and commodity price increases. It also explains that in Latin America most high net worth individuals invest outside their country, unlike Chile:

is a country that believes in its institutions, like Brazil. Thus in both countries the proportion is inverse to the rest of the region, with 70% invested locally. (...). In the country are all Swiss banks and other players have created more products.

words, record increase of wealth and confidence in financial institutions. To me it strikes me that the elite is having just fine.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Presidian Turntable Where Is Model Number

Elites melancholy representations of the feminine

About this post in Sociological Meditations on the analysis of Tironi, I remembered an issue that I found very appealing at the time, but did not mention (at least not in this sad and abandoned blog). When Bachelet began to lead the polls and then when won the election in a runoff, the public galleries were filled with people talking about the leaders 'feminine'. Much of the characterizations of this type of leadership were profuse in laudatory adjectives: sweet, warm, tender, conciliatory, friendly, horizontal, friendly, open, dialogic, empathetic, emotionally intelligent , etc. In many cases these characterizations are contrasted with the leadership of 'male': ambitious, aggressive, vertical, executives, hard, rational, discerning, efficient, etc.

For me it was always a mystery (still is) where they come from these ways of understanding women and masculine. They sound similar to the set of dichotomies on which our culture is organized, up and down, good and evil, heaven and hell, etc.. They also seem to have some pop psychoanalysis. Even straight out of a self-help book, but I have no certainty of its origin. It also happens that I find highly suspect.

suspicious, partly because power is power and I was used to assume, following Machiavelli , that whoever exercises is required to submit to their specific laws if you intend to keep it seriously, beyond voluntarism or characterizations of gender in black and white. Suspicious

, finally, being too simplistic and unilateral. Fortunately at that time was reading the stories Patricia Highsmith misogynist and were a great antidote. There is puenden find descriptions of the 'feminine' rather more bleak :

The idea was to kill Sarah Sylvester based on good food, kindness in a sense, to fulfill its duty as a wife (... .) Began to use stronger fats, butter and olive oil goose, make macaroni and cheese, coat the sandwiches with a thick layer of butter, to insist that the milk was a wonderful source of calcium to combat hair loss Sylvester.

The poor fellow did not suspect anything, but had gained too much weight. Played tennis, but remained motionless on the court, without running after the ball. One day his wife, tired of waiting for the outcome of his plan, decided to accelerate the outcome and asked Sylvester to take her on the shoulder to the second floor of the house

excruciating pain gripped her chest. He took a fist to his chest and bared his teeth in a grimace of agony. Sarah watched him lay on the bed. He did nothing. He waited and waited (...). After about 15 minutes, Sylvester froze. Sarah fell asleep at last. When he got up, found that Sylvester was really dead and starting to cool. Then telephoned the family doctor. Nothing

healthier to stop reading the newspaper columnists from time to time.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Short Term Disability Hemochromatosis

About the last post, I guess many find it very strange to hear sociologists talking about universality. This is because, allegedly, one should be more sensitive to difference, to the specific. Also, supposedly, one should practice the suspicion and be able to debunk the idea of \u200b\u200buniversalism: a discursive facade that tries to be plausible, but it serves to camouflage the unspeakable, ie, domination, subjugation and imperialism. Supposedly

. That seems to be what is expected of you, both among friends among sociologists as "critical." Here

could dwell at length on the difficulties faced by individuals like myself to have studied a race like this. The difficulties, for example, falling in the domestic liberal political theory (Constant , Rawls, Berlin , etc.) With the social theory (Bourdieu , Foucault, etc.). But in truth I will stop briefly in a good spot problem: that of cultural relativism.

Indeed, it is not so original. Cultural relativism, in short the idea that cultures are not better than others, can be compatible in practice with the idea that there are universal values \u200b\u200b(human rights, for example) one considers inviolable. The trick is to take on relativism, but only as a methodological stance, not automatically move it to the political-moral.

What happens is that without relativism as a methodological stance is impossible to make a good research. If you approach an object of study with the intention to judge or condemn to hell, the final result at most would be like a bad story complaint, not to genuine social research. In short, without being methodologically relativist can not understand anything.

The problem is when you take that position too easily to the political-moral. That's when the problems appear, as said earlier: think it's common to wait for a sociologist is relativistic in all areas . However, it is perfectly possible to separate one from the other, in other words, one can safely argue that stoning and female circumcision are worth wild and it's not a bad sociologist.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Old Instant Camera For Sae

universality and relativism on the universality of rights and Death

We are doomed.

ideas that were once important, influential in much of the world we inhabit ourselves included, are, by now, buried deep in barbarism. So far we've come a White House hopeful can afford say this about kidnappings in Guantánamo: "(...)
we made it very clear That These Are Enemy Combatants, These Are People Who Are Not Citizens, They Do Not and Never Have Been Given The rights of this country That Citizens Have . And my friends There Are some bad people down there. There Are some bad people

"(...) We Are Now Going To Have The Courts flooded with so-Called , quote, Habeas Corpus suits Against the Government, whether it be about the diet, whether it be about the reading material. And We Are Going To Be Bollix up in a Way That is terribly unfortunate Because We Need to go ahead and adjudicate These cases "

So is not that human beings possess certain rights and constitutional governments believe to protect . No. It's the opposite. Fundamental rights are a gracious concession of State. Moreover, having rights, they are not universal. There habeas corpus, of course, provided one is a citizen and not have the misfortune of being an 'enemy combatant'.

There is no comparison between what McCain said and things that were said in the same country, more than 200 years ago:
We hold These Truths to Be Self Evident, That Are all men created equal, That They Are Endowed by Their Creator with unalienable Rights Certain , That Among These Are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure These rights, Governments Are institute Among Men, deriving Their just Powers from the Consent of the governo , - That Whenever Any Form of Government Becomes Destructive of These ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to Abolish it ...

Let's face it: what a century was the eighteenth.


Monday, May 5, 2008

How Long Does The Stomach Flu Last In The House

On the semiotic life

Perhaps accuse me of sociologism , but I will say the same: the ways of understanding the death are contingent and have evolved in different societies throughout history . Pronounced dead at a subject has relied on different criteria in different places, a situation that continues to this day.

For example in ancient Greece, the criteria for defining death was cardiopulmonary: what determined the death of a person was to stop heart throb. In Jewish tradition, however, breathing was the central criterion for defining death. Our modern societies, differentiated, complex, technologically advanced and plural entangled the question of the definition and this becomes the subject of debate between different views, many of them reasonable but irreconcilable, which is to live.

Something that often happens today is that many rely on science as a source of a definitive answer, true and indisputable, but that's naive. not so easy. As stated in Article
'Death encafálica bioethics and organ transplantation ', published in the Medical Journal Chile 2004, "the definition is a task primarily philosophical , the choice of the criterion is primarily medical and selection of evidence is a matter exclusively medical ." Ie death is defined philosophically and science serves to contrast the definition with reality through rigorous testing. Or is that science really can not settle by itself, once and for all the discussion. The same article suggests the following criteria:

Death is the cessation of life. Life being essentially organization death, which is its opposite, is in essence disorganization or disintegration. Defining death as the loss of this organization, or cessation of operation of the organism as a whole, we believe that full brain death (brain death), this definition better represents the cessation of circulation and respiration . The brain as a whole is responsible for the integration of the organism as a whole, and this integrating function is more complex than circulatory connection reproducible in a preparation perfused artificial organs. Nobody would say that a decapitated alive, but they can keep the heart beating for a time and would be theoretically possible to restore circulation and breathing artificially.

Chile accepts the criterion of brain death since 1996 , but there is a caveat: it is used only for the case of organ transplantation. That is, according to the law 19451 (. Pdf) which regulates the organ, a subject with brain death could be considered dead and alive in some cases in others:

For the purposes provided in this Act , death certification is accredited by unanimous and unambiguous, granted by a team of doctors, one of whom, at least, should perform in the field of neurology or neurosurgery. (...). Certification is granted when it is found complete and irreversible abolition of all brain functions.

same, although brain death seems to operate only for purposes of organ transplantation, the article Medical Journal of Chile contains a very interesting statement on this very topic:

organ transplantation in virtually converge all the ethical problems of medicine, so it has come to consider a bioethical micromodel, which advances the discussion and resolution of problems, applied later in other fields of medicine .

If we define that life ends with brain death and accept that the debate about organ transplantation is that seeks to address many bioethical dilemmas, debate which then has consequences in other areas, we can draw some conclusions. Accept that a subject is dead for certain purposes, while others do not, it sounds absurd. The least we could do is to standardize the criteria and apply in all cases.
Continuing with the idea, we talked a lot of death, but little of life, some will say that no human life when the soul enters the body, other than from fertilization, others from the implantation of the embryo, but Is it not possible to use the same criteria of the presence / absence of brain activity begins to define when human life?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What Is The Death Rate Of Navy Eod

On Saturday, 19 appeared in the supplement culture of the Third a note announcing that the Argentine semiologist Eliseo Veron is visiting Chile. It was a note on it Veron enthusiastic and made the following analysis on the relationship between symptomatology and social sciences:

We had aggressive enemies, among sociologists and historians have been punished by the classical theories, but the problem is that many of they are theories of society where there are no means. "What is that instrumental rational actor who makes his decisions as being in the jungle ? That man do not watch television, listen to no radio, no nothing. (...) I believe that the disciplines classical human are in crisis and need to rethink.

is fair to recognize, as noted Veron, that classical social theory, as well as modern and contemporary, have not given to too much media. Yes we must not forget the Frankfurt School, including Habermas and its history of public opinion, empirical research Lazarsfeld and Merton, the sociologist or the time highlight the following topics: John B. Thompson. However, the most striking of the meeting is that reference to 'instrumental rational actor' living 'in the jungle' that brings to mind Thomas Hobbes rather than classical social theory. "Is it to Hobbes (XVII century) who criticizes him Eliseo Veron has not been taken over media?

Veron was invited by the Institute of Image Communication and Chile. Indeed, it is in the schools of journalism where semiotics has been more comfortably installed more recently, especially in the University of Chile and maybe a little less in Portales, which are the two universities that Veron has visited the country. Among the most outstanding teachers in the field are Lorena Antezana, Bernardo Amigo and most picturesque of all, Rafael del Villar .

Del Villar is a Chilean intellectual but, as he passed, suddenly feel like sitting down to smoke a cigarette and a coffee in a bistro to talk at length about structures: is Paris made person. Is low, such as Charles Aznavour, long-haired and gray, but his most distinctive feature is a beret that does not go away and never gives an air of pro-French thinker. I suppose you could compare him with the Black Piñera, but given their academic interests, the place of his graduate studies and ideological affiliations known is fairer and less equated with a mocking French. What is certain is that, as would Erving Goffman noted, Del Villar care enough to stage carefully its role in the theater of social life .

is the author of a well-known academic paper called "The structural methodology proposed by Levi-Strauss in the analysis of myths: appearance and reality ', which proposes an adaptation of structural anthropology to the analysis of texts:" a significant only makes sense for the network of relationships that are inserted from the point of view of the differentiated (sic) established within the system. " Also conducted a semiotic analysis of the complete work (yes, all) of Cortázar.

was, in any case, a school of sociology which first brought semiotics to Chile. Then led by the Jesuit Roger Vekemans, the school of imported PUC to Mattelart , famous representative of the school of 'cultural imperialism', another way in which it has expressed concern sociological by the media. His most famous and probably most cited is "How to Read Donald Duck ', which was published with Ariel Dorfmann, the author of Konfidenz. Recently read the book 'At that time' by Paul Huneeus, I found this remarkable paragraph:

[Mattelart] came as an expert hired by an international body Sueldazo paid a dollar to help the natives to emerge from underdevelopment. UC held a costly investigation with the methodology of semiotics to analyze the underlying attitudes of El Mercurio. After highbrow theories came to discover it is a right-leaning newspaper, which all Chileans knew in advance . After having made such a remarkable discovery, given the theoretical seat of media and journalists enthralled by his theories go, even if no one understands anything he says. (...). In a country of fools, just have a foreign accent to sell ointments.

is absolutely right Eliseo Veron. Semiotics has enjoyed much prestige in the field of literary criticism in the social sciences.
