Friday, July 30, 2010

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Lisa Laycock: "There will be an Earthquake, Prepare Your Missionaries" Bryant

Sr. Chairman Larry and Lisa Laycock Laycoock.

Presidents of Chile Santiago East Mission

Sister Lisa Laycock, wife of Chile Santiago East Mission President Larry Laycock, sent an email to friends and family about the earthquake that struck the country of Chile on 27 February. She asked that her message be shared "with the hope that it can inspire others. "These are excerpts from his e-mail:" I am writing to let you all know how grateful we are for your prayers, concern and love. Please keep praying! We need God's help and guidance in order to do what He wants us to learn what they would learn from this tragedy terremoto.Durante recent days we have witnessed many events that remind us that the Lord is office and as missionaries and members of his church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are carrying out their work, and as President [Thomas S.] Monson taught: "When we in the Lord's work, we are entitled to their help. "I want to share with you some miracles to help you understand our deep sense of gratitude. (Intellectual Reserve Inc.Larry and Lisa Laycock.)

" hen we were freshly prepared for this call, Elder Richard G. Scott, the [Council of the Twelve Apostles taught us many important lessons. He spoke from personal experience when he was mission president in Argentina. One of the messages shared with us is as follows: "At times during his mission, he awoke in the middle of the night or early morning with thoughts of things to do for some missionaries. Do not ignore these thoughts. Are impulses of the Holy Spirit communicated to them in the stillness of the night or the peace of the morning. He will speak, because that's when you can listen. "Elder Scott instructed us to keep a notebook next to our bed so we could record these impulses precise spirit. He said the next morning, is likely to forget the impulses if not write." We have been astonished at the performance of the prophetic words of Elder Scott. We have received many impressions on the exact way that Elder Scott described. We are grateful that Elder Scott taught us how to recognize and act on these impulses.

"Nearly two and a half weeks [before the] earthquake, I woke up around 4 am. I heard a voice, but the idea was as clear as if it had been in the form of spoken words:" Go to have an earthquake. Prepare your missionaries. "I sat in bed and immediately recalled the advice of Elder Scott. That morning I told Larry what had happened. I immediately went to work organizing our mission to prepare for an earthquake. "

" In talking with the missionaries to our office to take action, we set a goal and arrange our schedule so we could visit all the apartments of the mission to ensure the safety and review of our missionaries know what to do in case of an earthquake. What a wonderful experience that we had to have met with them and share with them the Scripture to be spiritually and physically prepared. "... If ye are prepared ye shall not fear" (D & C 38:30). Instruct all missionaries to have a "go-bag" (36 hour kit). We review our emergency action plan with them, where to go and what to do if they had phone service and if not tubieran. We gave them each a paper with all instructions in English and English, and remind them that "this life is the time to prepare to meet God "(Alma 34:32-34). We share with them our thoughts and feelings about the need for spiritual and physical security. Some of them were frightened and asked us if we knew something he did not know. I I smile and repeat "... If ye are prepared ye shall not fear. "
prepared just wanted to embers. remember with tears our recent conference in which he had shared our feelings about our beloved Elder McKay Burrows who was called home unexpectedly in January, while serving his mission in Romania ... the way it was prepared in every way to find God. We have reaffirmed nuestro desafio de 'estar preparado' en todos los sentidos. Luego nos arrodillamos junto a ellos en su apartamento y dedicado cada departamento, pidiendo una bendición de la seguridad y la seguridad que en cada departamento.

"Cuando paso el terremoto, estábamos preparados. No hemos tenido el pánico que muchos sentían. Sabíamos que estábamos preparados. Debido a las palabras del apóstol escogido del Señor, el élder Scott, que había escuchado y tenido en cuenta la tranquilidad, pero impresiones claras del Espíritu Santo. Fuimos bendecidos con la paz en medio del caos. Aprendimos una lección importante: nuestra preparación nos ayudó to avoid panic and fear, but the Lord in His wisdom has allowed us to experience discomfort enough to know that He has all power. It has everything to his office. We are nothing without him. We depend on Him for every breath we take. He alone can save us from death and destruction. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is our perfect example. If we follow, we shall be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel.

"Today, we attended the church when [President Laycock] was invited to speak. The whole chapel was full and beyond. People are so humble and so docile. [He] taught the importance of small things. He taught about Jesus Christ and the opportunity we have to love each other and to share what we have with others. It was a great blessing for us to be with the beautiful people of Chile. Some have lost their homes ... or at least parts of their homes. But they are strong and want to serve the Lord. Writing taught in Luke 21:11,13 says: "There will be great earthquakes in various places ... also welcomed the sweet young woman who was in the congregation with missionaries ... the first time attend the church ... and then [from the pulpit] he invited her to be baptized. He asked to please us invite to his baptism, and she said, "I will." The Lord always knows what his people need. [Our son] Landon was reading in Alma 15:17 today. He said, 'Mom listen to this. This is what is happening here in Chile as in the case in Ammonihah. The people are humiliated and "control, the pride of her heart and began to humble themselves before God, continually watching and praying that they might be freed from Satan, and death and destruction."

'"Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for all the blessings we have received in the Chile Santiago East Mission. We see miracles every days. In the midst of great pain and suffering, we can always find our Savior. He is standing with His arms outstretched, begging for all of us to be humble and get to it. He loves us. He invites us to accept your gift ... Atonement. He invites us to repentance. He wants us to love each other and serve each other. He wants us to bring our families and our loved ones to it. We can do it. We can do whatever he asks, no matter how difficult it may seem. "With God all things are possible .'...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

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Patriarchal Blessing Blessing

" In a patriarchal blessing received fifteen years earlier, Bryant was promised: "Not only will get you to be great but so will your posterity, your loins will statesmen, prophets, priests and kings of the Most High. The priesthood will never depart from your family. There will be no end to thy seed ... and the name of Hinckley will be honored in all nations under heaven . " Months after the death of his wife, Bryant Hinckley felt her children needed a mother and a companion. He was then chancellor of the LDS Business College, and Ada Bitner, talented teacher of English and shorthand, was part of teachers. After a brief courtship, Bryant and Ada were married in the Salt Lake on August 4, 1909.

"The day that Bryant and Ada were overjoyed by the arrival of their first child, could not have foreseen that this child would greatly fulfilling prophecy. He was born on June 23, 1910, and received the maiden name of his mother, so you know as Gordon Bitner Hinckley (Dew, Go Forward with Faith, page 22)..

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Hinckley Spencer W. patriarchal Kimball

Source: Institute manual "Presidents of the Church" p. 212-213

Elder Spencer W. Kimball explained: "I do not know when I started to love Lehi.Puede's children have been when I was born, because before and after the birth, my father served several missions including in Indian country. He was chairman of the mission.

That love may be born in those early years of my childhood, when my father used to sing the songs of the Indians and show memorabilia and photographs of his Indian friends. It may have been when I received my patriarchal blessing from the hands of Patriarch Samuel Claridge , when he was nine years old. In one part of the blessing says

"Preaching the Gospel to many people, but especially to the Lamanites because the Lord will bless you with the gift of tongues and the power to teach the Gospel to the people with great simplicity. You see them organized and ready to be a bulwark "between the people" '...

"... We have about half a million children of Lehi on the islands of the sea, and about sixty million in North and South America being perhaps a third of them full-blooded, and the other two thirds are blends, but have the blood of Jacob in his veins. "Someone said:
" 'If my pen had the gift of tears, and wrote a book called "The Indian" and make everyone cry. "

The children of Lehi. Can anyone hold back tears when contemplating the fall of this town has been reduced from their level of culture and achievements to illiteracy and degradation, of kings and emperors, to slavery, of owning the land of great continents to be homeless apprentices and laborers governments; as children of God with divine knowledge, a wild, victims of superstition, and builders of temples to dwell in houses of clay ...?
"How I wish they could accompany me and especially Native American reservations to the land of the Navajo tribe and see the poverty, the need and the miserable conditions they suffer, and understand again that these people are sons and daughters of God, that his wretched condition is the result, not only centuries of wars, and of sin and separation from God , but is also attributable to us, their conquerors, who put them on reservations with limited resources and to die of starvation and malnutrition or unhealthy conditions, while we thrive on the property that had been snatched.

Think on these things, my people, and then cry for the Indians, and with your tears, pray and then work for him.

Only through us, their 'attendants and nurses', may eventually enjoy the fulfillment of many promises made to them. Assuming that we comply with the duty we owe to them, Indians and other sons of Lehi still rise to power and strength. The Lord will remember the covenant made with them, His Church will be established between them, the Bible and other Scriptures available to them will enter the holy temples to receive their endowments and make the proxy work come to the knowledge of their parents and will perfect understanding of their Redeemer Jesus Christ will prosper in the land and with our help, will build a holy city even a New Jerusalem, for God "(in Conference Report, April 1947, pp. 144-145, 151-152).

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

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Scientific Evidence of the Divinity of the Bible


Test in the Bible that the earth is round:

Scientific Fact: The earth is round, "discovered" by man for the first once during the 15 th century, before nearly everyone believed the earth was flat. This false observation of the earth even carried men to believe that if they sailed far enough, they can fall off the face of the planet. Until the Apollo 11 landing on the moon in 1969, humans had very little evidence (other than the word of God) that the earth was round.

Isaiah 40:21-22

21 Do you not know? Have not you heard? "I never have said from the beginning? Have you not been taught since the earth was founded? 22 He sits on the CIRCLE land, its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads like a tent to dwell

's book Isaiah was written aprox.755-722 AC

Test in the Bible that the earth is sustained by the invisible

scientific principle: The land is held by unseen forces in space (the scientific fact that the earth's orbit the sun due to gravitational forces). Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to propose the idea that the earth and planets revolve around the sun. The study of orbital forces advanced in 1609 when Johannes Kepler formulated the laws of planetary motion. Before the "discovery" orbital force, pagan cultures as the Greeks believed that Atlas, a mythical god, holding the earth on his shoulders. Other people, like those of India believed that a flat earth resting on the backs of giant elephants.

Job 26:7:
"He stretches out the north over empty space hangs the earth upon nothing ."

The book of Job was written approx. 970 BC

Test in the Bible Water Cycle:

Scientific Fact: All the water on earth is constantly going through a hydrological cycle. Discovered by the man in the 17 century.

Eq 1:7

7 All the rivers run into the sea, the sea is not full, the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return NEW .

The book of Ecclesiastes was written approx. 945 BC The book of Amos was written approx. AC 754-755

Congradulations On Marrage

Anne Sullivan: "He who wants to can"

few years ago my mission president, taught us about this great woman is not member of the church, which show the world that all things can be done if one wants His life has been an inspiration for many people listless, low self-esteem is considered to come into the world with dificutades desert, as members of the church we are often unable to occupy certain calls when we are called to believe that we are endowed with certain powers, I invite you to read deteniemiento the life of Anne Sullivan. (Administrator)

This amazing woman, dumb, blind and deaf, symbolizes perseverance and the will to overcome the physical limitations

"The great poets are interpreters of eternal things. It is true that I can not see the moon, but s é it's there. "

This came to think and write in their book The story of my life (Ages, Mexico, 12th Edition, November 28) the tireless and wise woman many years ago was a blind and deaf girl who struggled in despair, vainly seeking a way to allow him to communicate with their anguished parents.

Eels Reread grew up in a very difficult childhood and frightened family and friends of the house screaming and constant changes, but when I turned six, his mother read Charles Dikens a book that had the incredible work done girl Laura Birdman, also deaf-blind.

Hellen's parents sought help from Michael Anagnos, director of the Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind and the famous Alexander Graham Bell. With the help of this they found the teacher Anne Sullivan, who with great dedication to reach the critical rehabilitation of the child.

Eels born in Tuscumbia unknown American city in northern Alabama, on June 27, 1880, and became the first deaf-blind-mute the world who graduated in University and also authored a best-seller "and named founder of campaigns for the rights of women.

The mystery of his illness

Helen Keller was born healthy, but at 19 months was surprised by a strange fever that doctors at that time called "brain fever" and probably was scarlet fever or meningitis.

Soon his mother noticed that while bathing the child, this did not close his eyes. He called the doctor, who discovered that the girl was blind. Days later also the progenitor found that little seemed not to hear the loud sound of a bell. For that reason was speechless too.

When I first visited the teacher Anne Sullivan Eels house, she put her hands on her face and dress of the teacher, tried to open his bag. Had a hard time removing it, then fought to have her whim. Ms. Sullivan then gave him a doll and she sat down to play with her.

The first evidence of the effort that Anne Sullivan did for Helen would be happy, is attached to the toy, when the small blind, deaf and dumb cradled in his arms, because it was just "doll" the first word that the girl learned.

When Eels took a few minutes doing this maneuver, the teacher took her hand and spelled the word mu-N-eca writing each letter in the palm of your not the girl, who was interested in strange movements and tried to imitate the path of the fingers of the teacher. That was the first time someone tried to teach Helen Keller.

Miss Sullivan did with the word "water" with the feeling of cool water into his hand, that Helen own comment: "Somehow in that moment suddenly realized the mystery of language. I knew then the wonder that was the coldness of the water that fell on my hand impulsively. That word "live" touched my spirit, giving it light, hope and joy "

In just a few hours Helen had learned 30 new words and since then his progress was astounding. He learned to read "playing", first using letters in relief, then with the Braille system.

At 20 he entered the Radcliff College, Harvard, where learned French, German, Greek, and Latin, thus opening great potential to the world of the blind and deaf. Anne Sullivan died in 1936, but Helen continued to travel the globe, collecting funds for the blind. His story was told in 1962 in the film The Miracle Worker (The miracle worker.) starring Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke, who were Oscar winners for their tremendous performances.

Talk and "Play"

Miss Sullivan was a famous deaf teacher named Sarah Fuller, and indicated what he must do. Helen moved his hand on the lips of Mrs. Fuller, put his fingers inside the mouth of the new teacher to learn the position of the league, lips and teeth. Then issued the sounds that made Mrs. Fuller.

After that, Professor Helen gave other sounds and imitated all. Miss Fuller then said a few words in isolation, moving his fingers through the hands of Eels to show the extent of the syllables.

returned home at the height of the seventh lesson, turned to Miss Sullivan and said with a strange and empty voice, I can talk now. " That was really the first time made use of human language.

Helen took only seven lessons of Mrs. Fuller, but that was only the beginning of his long struggle to learn to talk. Week after week ... year after year, tried to speak ever more clearly. Repeated words and phrases for hours, using the sense of touch of his fingers even learn the vibrations of the throat of Miss Sullivan, the movement of your tongue and the look on his face as he spoke.

After several years Helen was able to "hear" by vibrating the best jokes from Mark Twain. With your fingers in lips, the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso dumped his golden voice 'in his hand and the violinist Jascha Heifets Helen played for her while her fingers rested lightly on the violin.

Helen Keller's victories over disadvantages or disabilities quickly made it famous. Began corresponding with many famous people, writing in English and French. Attended the school, next to her teacher Sullivan, who wrote in his hand the lessons of the masters. He graduated in 1904 with 24 years. So she wrote articles for various magazines and spoke for the blind in many parts of the dumb. Received honors in various countries, girls and boys ran to meet her. While other names will be forgotten, that of Helen Keller will be remembered for long.

In 1964 he received the Medal of Freedom, the highest award given U.S. a civilian, a year later was chosen to appear on the Walk of Fame of Women in World's Fair in New York.

died peacefully on June 1968. Some years earlier had lost her doll in one of her humanitarian trips.

This is a living example of "whoever wants to can"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Images Of Valima Card Wording

The Young Thomas: "Turn around and pick us up" Patriarchal Blessing


Thomas S. Monson

"After eight years, when I was baptized and received the Holy Spirit impressed me that should be good and worthy of having me to help me throughout my life. I was told that the Holy Spirit only in good company and when evil enters our lives, he walks away. Not knowing when I need his views and guidance, I tried to live so as not to lose this gift. On one occasion, saved my life.

Bomber B-24

"During the Second World War, I was a gunner in a B-24 bomber in the South Pacific ... One day he announced he was going to attempt the flight longest bombing had been done so far to destroy an oil refinery. Promptings of the Spirit told me I was assigned to go on the flight but did not lose his life. It was then the president of the group (group leader in the armed forces) of Latter-day Saints.

"The fighting was fierce as we fly on Borneo. Our plane was hit by the attacking planes and soon burst into flames and the pilot told us we could be prepared to jump, I was the last. As we descended, we were shooting the enemy pilots. I struggled to inflate my life raft, sinking and turning the corner several times, I started to choke me and I fainted. I regained consciousness for a moment and shouted: 'God, save me' ... Another I once tried to inflate the raft and this time succeeded. With just enough air to stay afloat, it climbed too exhausted to move.

"For three days floating in enemy waters with ships and planes flying over us. How they saw a group of yellow raft floating on blue waters, is a mystery, "he wrote. "A storm came and the waves of nine feet were about to destroy the pond. It was three days without food or water. The others asked me if I prayed and I said yes and for sure we rescue them. That night we came to our rescue submarine, but it passed. The next morning the same thing happened, we knew that this was the last day I would be in the area. Then I got the impressions of the Holy Spirit

'You have the priesthood. Send the sub to pick. " I prayed silently: 'In the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the priesthood, turn around and pick us up. " A few minutes later were on our side. When we got on deck, the captain said, 'I do not know how to find them, we were not looking for them', but I do knew " 1

I leave you my testimony that this work in which we are engaged is true. The Lord is at the helm. My sincere prayer is that we always follow Him in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

1. Personal correspondence in the possession of President Thomas S. Monson.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Christmas Card Etiquette

Gordon B. Hinckley

When I was a boy of only eleven years old, I received a patriarchal blessing of a man who had never seen and never saw her again. It is an amazing and prophetic document. It's very personal and do not read much, however, contains this statement: "The nations of the earth will hear your voice and knowledge of the truth by the wonderful testimony to express."
When I was released from my mission in England, I traveled a bit around Europe. I had given my testimony in London, and I did also in Berlin and again in Paris, and later in Washington, DC In my mind, had made my testimony in these great capitals of the world and had kept that part of my blessing.

But that turned out to be just the beginning. Thereafter my voice is heard in all continents, in cities large and small, from north to south and from east to west, across this whole world, from Cape Town to Stockholm, from Moscow to Tokyo Montreal, in each of the capitals of the world. This is a miracle.
Now, in conclusion, I hope you all remember that on this Sabbath day you heard me give my testimony that this is God's holy work. The vision given the Prophet Joseph Smith in the grove of Palmyra was not imaginary, it was very real. Occurred in the full light of day. Both the Father and the Son spoke to the young. He saw standing in the air above his head. Their voices heard and obeyed His instruction.

The Father, the great God of the universe, was the one who presented the risen Lord. For the first time in recorded history, both the Father and the Son appeared together to open the curtains and start it, the last and final dispensation, the dispensation of the fullness of time.

The Book of Mormon is all it claims to be: a work written by prophets in ancient times and whose words have come to light to "convince the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God , manifesting himself unto all nations " (Cover of the Book of Mormon).

The priesthood was restored under the hands of John the Baptist and Peter, James and John. In this Church exercising all the keys and authority pertaining to eternal life.
Joseph Smith was and is a prophet, the great Prophet of this dispensation. This church, which bears the name of the Redeemer, is true.

I leave my testimony and my love for every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

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The Patriarchal Blessing of Del Parson

Delwin Parson

Delwin Oliver Parson born in Ogden, Utah in 1948. It is a traditional realist artist, figurative painting, landscapes and gender issues in oil and pastel. He lives in St. George, Utah. Ogden Utah artist. In 1975 he began to create artwork for the LDS Church and has painted more than 200 works for her. His religious paintings displayed on covers of books, manuals, presentations, visitor centers, missionary visual aids, etc.

In 1983 the church commissioned a painting Parson brother of Salvador, which has distributed millions of copies, arrives in the editions of the Book of Mormon missionary. Speaking about his work, Del Parson says, "Although the project was difficult, I felt the hand of the Lord was present in the paint, and it did, even to tell about his Patriarchal Blessing said "what impressed me most was the fact that related to art. He says the art would be a joy for me in my life. More importantly, says he could teach the way of the Lord and influence many lives through my art. I felt I had received my mission call. Right there I knew I was going to be an artist and in my heart I knew that paint for the church. " (taken from his biography)
religious and historical paintings have received numerous regional and national awards. He now lives in Utah with his wife and six children, subject to the religious paintings to give others a sense of hope and share with them their love of life and beauty.

Monday, July 12, 2010

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Cardinal George Williams Speech at BYU


Cardinal George Chair of the Conference of Catholic Bishops U.S.

Catholics and Latter-day Saints on the same ground, literally and figuratively, in the BYU Devotional, where Cardinal Francis George spoke to BYU students on the importance of protecting religious freedom together.

"I suspect ... that Brigham Young and the first Catholic Bishop Lawrence Scanlan would be amazed. [It]," said George.

George, President of the Conference of U.S. Catholic Bishops and the Archbishop of Chicago, expressed the gratitude of Catholics and Latter-day Saints are now united to combat problems such as pornography, abortion and gay marriage.

"Personally, I am grateful that after 180 years of living mostly apart from each other, that Catholics and Latter-day Saints Days have become each other as reliable partners, "said George.

George talked about the history of religious freedom in the United States and the responsibility to continue in the tradition of the country.

" The Catholic understanding of religious freedom, I think we share together, is not confined to that freedom of religion or even privatization, "said George." Freedom of religion means that religious groups and religious people have the right to exercise influence on the public square. "

George said that over the ages 19 and 20, the Catholics have taken policy measures when they feel they need to better protect the family - the very foundation of society. The Catholic Church has entered the debate on health, the hope that one day everyone should take care that no one will be deliberately killed by abortion. George believes that by working together, Catholics and Latter-day Saints can defend those who can not defend themselves.

"We work together because it is for the good of the people," Jorge said. "Our churches have different histories, beliefs, and practices, but a common reference point is the belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ."

George asked Catholics and Latter-day Saints continue to defend together.

"Our greatest weapon is not the voting booth or legal brief, are the prayers," said George.

Published: February 26, 2010