Friday, March 25, 2011

Milena Velba Ridding On Bus

24 Capacitance and Dielectrics

Text base. University Physics Sears Zemansky, Young-Freedman (Person / Addison Wesley). Eleventh edition. Chapter 24:
Before the class, reading the whole run
chapter 24, sections:
24.1 to 24.4, mainly.

Mark your notebook the
new business concepts and
  • Capacitor, capacitance (C), dielectric, polarization, charge on a capacitor, farad (F), capacitor parallel plates capacitors in series and parallel equivalent capacitance (C eq ), a network of capacitors, potential energy stored in a capacitor, energy density of electric field, dielectric constant (K), induced charge, permittivity, law Gauss in a dielectric .
  • Read the Summary , pages 932-933.
    Study (read carefully) explanations of all figures . Study (read carefully) the resolution of examples, paying special attention to new procedures and some complejidad, especialmente lo presentados en las secciones 24.1 y 24.2.
  • Conteste algunas de las Preguntas para análisis , esto le mostrará su estado de comprensión de los conceptos (teoría), por ejemplo:
  • Resuelva unos tres
  • Ejercicios
  • de cada una de las secciones: 24.13, 24.15, 24.24, 24.25, 24.37, 24.39, 24.45, 24,47. Resuelva los siguientes
  • Problemas : 24.59, 24.60, 24.64, 24.71, 24.72.
  • To exploit and understand the decisions made then you must read the text on the respective exercise or problem, make a diagram of the situation and attach the relevant information in your workbook.
  • If you find discrepancies in the results of operations, report to a comment. Remember that the offer is a tutorial, so after having studied and worked a concept or problem for which you think you need some advice, you can send a query via a comment. Thanks

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can You Drive To Rikers Island

Tucanes in Villa Caletas

(Ramphastos swainsonii
Following a kind invitation of manager and owner of the Hotel Villa Caletas in Jaco , Puntarenas, I have attended on two occasions to make an astronomical observation tour for guests, and the second time around (3/12/2011), extended to fans of the surrounding communities.
amateur astronomers attended Tres Rios, Heredia and San Francisco Two Rivers. Astronomical observation was regular, with a mysterious moon out and hiding in the clouds, Can
May r great, but the Orion Nebula would not be seen. In the end, as usual, almost edge Saturn saved our night.

But better was the dinner conversation on:
dwarf planets,

the thirteenth zodiacal constellation,
  • astronomical phenomena
  • 2012 and Mayan perspective. A Conversation with ppt presentation, I offer to community groups and educational institutions.
  • Hotel gave me the room No. 1, with an excellent view to the north, Polaris
  • and Dipper.
The pleasant surprise the next morning was the visit of about 5
toucans, that proud, but with some misgivings, posed for my camera. do not know the kind, I just had a nice photo opportunity, and as I always say in these cases,
-better ask your friend ornithologist neighbor.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chelsea Charms Biggest Breasts

(well, almost)

Although our school books say more than sixty years ago "the sun rises in the east and sets in the west" , we know that this is a generic assessment, because our experience and observation has shown that this school claim does not relate to the true (exact ) East and West.

Zapote Country Exhibition 19/03/2011, 06:1

Because the Sun (as seen from Earth) Ecuador does not flow over the land (by the blue Ecuador), but by the ecliptic, which is inclined 23.5 ° with respect to Ecuador, then the azimuth
sunrise and sunset from this star, varies during year, but in a repetitive and predictable, making it possible to build monuments (observatories or calendars) astronomical and Stonehenge ,
and others.

But if the sun rises in the east and sets exactly in the west accurate, at least two days a year
, seen by an observer from any point on Earth.
These two days are the dates of the equinoxes
, the March and September, which for practical purposes, for comments, photos, etc.., can be extended without much error, two or three days before and after the equinoxes.

usually can not see an exit (or entry) Sun proper level of our personal horizons, for cloud cover ranges environment or we hide it until they have a certain altitude, but if we do it as soon as there is enough light to define shadows in these equinoctial days, projected shadows of vertical objects such as poles of power lines, edges of walls of buildings and our own shadow on a horizontal surface, point toward East-West
at dawn and in the direction West-East
at sunset.

that if the mark with chalk on a patio or street, or take pictures, have a fairly reliable information on the East-West, where you live.
What if you want the North-South?
Well, now you have two simple options:
- Make marks at 90 ° (with a square), with respect to the equinoctial shadow
- Wait for the exact time of the culmination of the Sun any day of the year (excluding days of sun overhead) and repeat the treatment of shadows.
Eye is not exactly when you mark your clock at 12:00! If in doubt I can advise you.
So even today and tomorrow will also have the opportunity to take their pictures with shadows East-West in the early spring, or if it appears to wait for sunrise at the equinox of September [23 / 09; 3:04 (09:04 UTC).]
I would like to put some of his photos here.
Bambi OST - 10 - Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song (1942)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wood Veneer For Fingerboards

Shadows East-West Electric Potential 23

Text base. University Physics Sears Zemansky, Young-Freedman (Person / Addison Wesley). Eleventh edition. Chapter 23:

Like the sound management of delivery was important in Chapter 21, for this I recommend a quick review of the concepts of work, kinetic energy, conservative force, potential energy, net work and energy change kinetic, mechanical energy conservation (Chapters 5 and 6).

The concept of potential energy, potential and potential difference is always to associate
nature and have much climbing
Watch out for signs of the charges (not ignore) and directions of travel. Distinguish correctly when you have a situation of constant electric field and when it is variable, in order to apply the relevant ratio.

Before the class, reading the whole run

chapter 23, sections 23.1 to 23.4,

(23.5 -
potential gradient - can be omitted from a course basic.)

Mark your notebook the new business concepts and
    to provide due attention. For example:
  • electric potential energy (U), electric potential, voltage (U increases if the burden of proof moves in the opposite direction to the electric force F = q or E) electric potential energy of two point charges (23.9-using signs of the charges-), potential energy of a system (23-11), electric potential, potential difference, potential due to a set of point charges (23.15-use signs-), potential due to a distribution continuous (23-16), potential difference in terms of the field (23-17), electron volt,
    Read Summary
    , pages 896-897.
  • Study (read carefully) explanations of all figures . Study (read carefully) the resolution of
  • examples, with particular emphasis on innovative procedures and a certain complexity, especially as presented in sections 23.2 and 23.3
  • .
  • answer some questions for analysis , this will show her state of understanding of the concepts (theory).
  • Solve the following exercises : 23.21, 23.25, 23.29, 23.31, 23.33, 23.35, 23.37.
  • Solve the following problems : 23.49, 23.53, 23.57.
  • To exploit and understand the decisions made then you must read the text on the respective exercise or problem, make a diagram of the situation and attach the relevant information in your workbook. If you find discrepancies in the results of operations, report to a comment.
    Remember that the offer is a tutorial, so after having studied and worked a concept or problem for which you think you need some advice, you can send a query via a comment. Thanks
  • jav.
References . html # c1 ~ cfadd /

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Plain Hair Combs Wholesale

Asclepias physocarpa I

(Chayotillo of care )
spent about four months ago at a house in the neighborhood (Zapote, San José, Costa Rica), where a plant and they gave me one of these chayotillo. But I noticed that a lot was full of worms.
Asclepias physocarpa / jav.

I took out the seeds, sow, and like a month and had several plants growing in a healthy way, but soon began to notice a colorful worms that eat the leaves.

20 or more butterflies that did not stop living, but now I can reward other members of the family that I care and attention.
In my ignorance, I changed some place and finally exterminated all, as my interest at that time was to play and watch them grow the plant that caught my attention every time I looked in the neighbor's yard. My apologies

monarch butterfly laying eggs / jav.

And is that talking to my friend, the photographer Marco Tulio Saborio, I chayotillo said the air is one of the host plants of the
Monarch (Danaus plexippus
, my neighbor called me said air chayotillo .
Then a little careful internet search led me to find references on milkweed plants of the genus and specifically on milkweed species physocarpa
Please dear reader, if you know another name used in your community, so I could communicate through a comment, I am very interested.

two days egg, larva 1 week / jav.

occasionally observed in the chayotillo butterflies, but they caught my eye. However, in the month of February saw a beautiful monarch butterfly, which I found laid eggs, which I checked about three days later to find several tiny white huevesillos.
After a week had little worms (
larvae) that grow rapidly by feeding on milkweed milk. Some grew to about 5 cm in diameter and swelled up I got to see one in the early stages of chrysalis (pupa ).
Two stages of flowering / jav.

But I also found that the monarch at this stage has some
predators, some birds and even a bug. I have no larvae in my chayotillo.

I hope that some monarch comes to lay eggs soon. February 12 one of the chayotillo opened and in the same manner as does a dandelion, let it go all its winged seeds flying in the wind, to reach new lands to settle, all went in just 36 hours.

wind Seeds / jav.

Today March 9 opened two new chayotillo and gifts to
MLA, to give them up, collect the seeds, then a hotbed, and start a new cycle chayotillo study of air, this time paying more attention to its development and growth, and of course, to care and look closely at the metamorphosis of the monarch. I'm going to plant some seeds in my land of El Roble, Santa Barbara de Heredia, at 1700 m altitude. According to information on Asclepias, available on the Internet, the plant can withstand lower temperatures and low lighting that is there. In a few months will tell what happens. So wait for the saga
, air chayotillo II and III.
Worm (larva)
two weeks / jav.

And as I always say in all these cases, it is appropriate to have professional advice: Ask your neighbor

Additional References:
Monarch Larva , 1 day: 2.5 mm
Cahayotillo of aire.69.2x73.6x73.6 mm, 9.7 g
photo: MTSaborío.