Monday, June 28, 2010

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Tyndale: Evidence from the Great Work of God

Williams Tyndale

Williams Execution Tyndale in 1536

October 6 1536, a pitiful figure he was taken to a dungeon of the Castle Vilvoorde, near Brussels, Belgium. For nearly a year and a half, the man had to endure being isolated in a dark, damp cell. Now, outside the walls of the castle, the prisoner was tied to a pole. had time to utter aloud his final prayer: "Lord, open the eyes of the King of England", after which he was hanged. Immediately, his body burned at the stake. Who was this man, and what was the offense for which both political and ecclesiastical authorities had condemned? His name was William Tyndale, and his crime was translating the Bible into English and it is published.

Tyndale, born in England at the time that Columbus sailed to the New World, was educated at Oxford and Cambridge and became a member of the Catholic clergy. He spoke eight languages \u200b\u200bfluently, including Greek, Hebrew and Latin. Tyndale was an ardent student of the Bible, and was very concerned about the widespread ignorance about the Scriptures that observed among priests and laity alike. In a heated discussion with a priest who believed that the Scriptures were due to reach the common man, Tyndale vowed, "If God gives me life, before many years pass, I'll have the young man who drives the plow to know scripture over yourself! ".

In the life of Joseph Smith's promise of Tyndale Williams when he said that if God granted life, before many years pass, the home would make the young man who drives the plow to know more of the Scriptures that the cleric.

requested the approval of church authorities to prepare a translation of the Bible into English so that everyone could read the word of God and put it into practice. Was denied, because the prevailing opinion was that the shortcut to the Scriptures by someone other than the clergy threatened the authority of the church and it was like throwing "pearls before swine" (Matthew 7: 6).

However, Tyndale undertook the difficult task of translation. In 1524, he traveled to Germany under an assumed name where he lived most of his time in hiding, under constant threat of arrest. With the help of loyal friends, Tyndale was able to publish the English translations of the New Testament and later the Old Testament. The Bibles were introduced illegally into England, were in high demand and greatly valued that they could get them. Be shared widely, but in secret. The authorities burned all the copies they found. However, in less than three years after Tyndale's death, God really opened the eyes of King Henry VIII, and the publication what is called "The Great Bible, the Scriptures in English began to be available to the public. Tyndale's work became the foundation of almost all future translations of the Bible into English, including the King James Version

Henry VIII

Translation of the Bible Williams

Tyndale William Tyndale

was not the first nor the last of those who have sacrificed in many countries and languages, even to the point of death, to take the word of God of Darkness. We owe them all a debt of gratitude. We perhaps a further debt to those who faithfully recorded and preserved the word through the ages, often painstaking work and sacrifice, Moses, Isaiah, Abraham, John, Paul, Nephi, Mormon, Joseph Smith and many more.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

When Can Postnuptialcanada Agreement Be Signed

Stela 5 (Izapa Mexico) Interpreting

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On the left, the Stela 5, one of the most extraordinary archaeological pieces found in Mexico. To the Right, the relationship with "Lehi's vision." In the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi 8), relates the vision or dream of Lehi in which you can see interesting details to compare with the Stela 5.


In Lehi's Dream

Similarities in the Stela 5

1.-The Tree of Life. 1 .- The tree of life or the world, watched over by guardian spirits.
2.-The river water.
2 .- The flow of rivers coming from the rains.
3.-The straight and narrow path. 3.-lines from the sources of the river to the tree
4.-The Iron Rod.
4.-The thick line is the path to the tree.
5.-The spacious field or wilderness, so dark and sad.
5 .- A spacious area covered by a dark fog.
Countless people.
6.-a generic shape while in the field.
7.-A multitude of people filling the great and spacious building. 7.-The symbol of a Man in a box, which is a bit higher than others.
8.-Dark and Dark.
8.-A symbol of darkness and gloom.
9.-A heavenly messenger or guide. 9.-The god Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent) in front of the tree.
10.-A person rising above the field.
10.-A traveler is guided by God as an extension of your arm.

11.-The Family of Lehi:

a) Lehi, b) Saria, c) Ne, d) Sam, e) Laman, f) Lemuel

11. - There are 6 human figures of a family Quiche Maya, being the first images of the Fathers then the figures of two young sons (one king and his type) and finally the figures of two older brothers oppressed by two children.
12.-Some of those who are on their way to the tree are blinded.
12.-A person who is on the way the tree is blinded by a cloak over his head.
13.-Those who come to receive the fruit tree.
13.-The figure of a person receiving a result of the hands of God.

14.-Lehi comply with the law of Moses.

15.-The Child.

14 .- The image of a priest possibly burning incense.

15 .- A priest-king worshiping the image of a child.

Image Sketch Stela 5

Most people are familiar with the studies of Professor M. Wells Jakeman made in 1950 in which shows the hypothesis of the Tree of Life in Lehi (LTL). Dr. Jakeman studies were temporary fame, but soon fell foul of the majority of his academic colleagues to try to prove his thesis with its principles, what was known as "top twenty correlation characteristics, and eighty-two" agreements or similarities, "most researchers saw as" a matter of coincidence based only on superficial similarities "(Coe 1973: 44) .

Subsequent studies cast serious doubt on the majority of correlations Jakeman, which were somewhat fortuitous, and attempts to continue without any convincing comparisons with respect to the scene of the vision. However, you can easily recognize the top ten physical characteristics, compared to an adequate correlation (tree, river, road, rod, and six family members of the Law) and his treatment of the names of the symbols of Lehi and Saria, even questionable.

The head ornament in the shape of a crown of horns are used in Egyptian ornaments were worn by the princesses, and Saria is a name which in Hebrew means "princess." The meaning of the name Lehi in Hebrew is chin or jaw, another feature is that it is a priest. Today

the chances of a possible link with Lehi's dream are still valid. Parallel studies of this type have been accepted only in part of the correlations in which the authenticity of the comparison are recognized as the Stela 5, Izapa and myth of the Popol Vuh, for example. Stela 2 and 5 are generally recognized for their possible connections with the research I Popol Vuh (Norman 1976).

The possibilities of Lehi's dream scenario: 1) that have been rejected (very unlikely at this point), 2) remain uncertain, 3) that have an indirect relationship with similarities based on oral tradition or 4) that can be shown as a full and authentic text of the Book of Mormon (a real possibility). The last possibility requires an extensive and exhaustive search and can not be concluded hastily.


Jakeman, M. Wells. "Stela 5, Izapa Chiapas, Mexico; A Major Archaeological Discovery of the New World." The University Archeological Society, Special Publications, no 2. Brigham Young University, 1958.

Largey Dennis L. General Editor. Book of Mormon Reference Companion. Deseret Book Company. 2003.

Norman, V. Garth. "Izapa Sculpture, Part 1 Album, Part 2 Text. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. no. 30. Brigham Young University, 1973, 1976.


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Saria in the wake 5

The figure seems to be a woman associated with the figure of Lehi. Female characteristics are suggested by what appears to be a cover for the head that flows over the shoulders and knees position, which are typical of indigenous women in Guatemala today. This blanket suggests that the figure may represent Sariah, Lehi's wife and mother of Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. Sariah figure bent back, similar the figure of Lehi.

The bent back, suggests that she is an older person who is associated with the figure of Lehi as either an assistant or a wife. The headdress is rare in Mesoamerica. Suggests the presence of feathers fees associated with the deity, as a priestess. Contact with the eyes of the figure of the angel looking Sariah or the tree may express the will of his party to participate in the fruit of the tree. Feathers between the horns are symbols of death and, as such, suggests the concept of life which springs from death or resurrection. In Hebrew, the name Sarah means princess or Sariah. The headdress of the figure of Sariah justifies the requirement. The dualism of Nephi figure in relation to Figure Sariah also deserves mention. Whereas the figure of Nephi contains symbols of birth associated with it, Figure Sariah has symbols of death associated with it - the latter being represented by the posterior slope and old age, the higher position of the figure in an upward motion. The symbols of resurrection, as mentioned, are also present in Figure Sariah. Therefore, the text of Stela 5 represent man's journey through life. Finally, the fish Ring-tailed in the right hand of the figure Sariah has apparently been sacrificed to the instrument in his left hand. Two fish are also present in the top of the sculpture, as well as on the figure Lemuel near Angel "A." The two fish above the figure of Lemuel what appear to be pieces of fruit in the mouth. The fruit may suggest a desire to Lehi to his family to partake of the fruit. The fruit can also represent death. The resurrection is represented by the same two fish in the upper panel are now returning to earth.

Exploring the Lands of The Book of Mormon, Joseph L. Allen, Ph.D.

Sam in the Stela 5

Sam, the older brother of Nephi, expressed will keep the commandments of God. When Lehi blessed Sam, Sam was blessed with Nephi
... he [Lehi] spoke to Sam, saying: Blessed art thou, and thy seed, for you to inherit the earth as your brother Nephi. And your offspring will be reckoned with that of Nephi and you will even like your brother and your descendants like su desendencia, y serás bendecido en todos tus días. (2 Nefi 4:11)
La imagen representa posiblemente a Sam. Su altura y posición sentada lo califica para ser algo más que un asistente de la figura de Nefi. La sombrilla se apoya sobre los dos la figura de Nefi y la figura de Sam. Este posicionamiento sugiere más bien un papel de apoyo en comparación con un papel criado por la figura de Sam.
Los rasgos faciales de la figura de Sam en la estela 5 han sido erosionados, lo que hace que los detalles sean indescifrable. Sin embargo, el contacto con la nariz de la figura de Sam con lo que Norman identifica como el cuerpo de la serpiente Sam lo alinea con Quetzalcóatl (serpiente emplumada), or Christ, As a result, the text of stone Stela 5 show that Sam is willing to partake of the fruit of the tree of life. Sam expressed the will to follow Nephi in the wilderness, as they are separated from their brothers Laman and Lemuel:

... I, Nephi took my family ... and Sam, my brother and his family .... (2 Nephi 5:6)

additional symbolism is associated with the figure of Sam in terms of resurrection and eternal life. Norman found that the engravings of Stela 5, not only portrays the story of Lehi's family, but also indicate responsibility for humanity's pursuit of eternal life through Christ's atonement. The back of the figure of Sam is close to what appears to be a stream of water. As the rain comes down in the jungle area of \u200b\u200bIzapa, the evaporation process begins immediately to heaven. This can be symbolically related to the birth of man and his subsequent ascension

spirit after death to the spiritual world with the God who gave him life.

Exploring the Lands of The Book of Mormon, Joseph L. Allen, Ph.D.

Nephi Stela 5

Jakeman proposed that the image depicts the prophet Nephi, son of Lehi. The figure of Nephi is the same size as the Lehi and is contained in an authoritarian gesture so much the same way that the figure of Lehi. The figure of Nephi is a tool in the left hand, which can be a pencil or a chisel. He has the appearance of writing in registers. Her headdress consists of cereals and is a young god of the grains, whose Egyptian name is called or Nepi Nepri. (Jakeman 1958:45)

Sam in the Stela 5

The fringed parasol or umbrella is maintained with respect to the figure of Nephi is both a Maya, a symbol that represents old world royalty. The headdress seems to identify the figure Nephi as a high priest of God. The symbol of inverted question mark near her mouth suggests that he is speaking. Contact with the glyph's speech the Angel "B", suggests that the figure of Nephi speaks for God.

The small skull head that rests on the forehead of the figure Nephi has what appears to be a piece of fruit from the tree in the mouth. This may suggest that the figure of Nephi is willing to share in the fruits of the tree or is willing to follow the commandments of God. As a result, after death, represented by the skull, the figure of Nephi can claim eternal life through Christ's atonement.

Exploring the Lands of The Book of Mormon, Joseph L. Allen, Ph.D.

Lehi = Quijada

Original Word: לֶ ֫ חִי
Transliteration: Lechi
Phonetic Spelling: (lekh'-ee)
Definition of Lehi: From an unused root meaning of the cheek bone or jaw bone

In Hebrew this word is Lechi, the "ch" being practically the same as our "h." In Palestine, a mountainous district in Judea, near Jerusalem, was known as Lehi. (Judges 15:19) Samson, after his battle with the Philistines, and threw his only weapon, the jawbone of an ass, and called the place of combat Ramat-Lehi, "The Hill of Lehi." Then he was thirsty, and the Lord, in answer to his prayer, he opened a crack in the hill and left water there. So he called the spring, In-hakkore, "the spring of that he calls" (in response to prayer), which is in Lehi to this day. "This incident is remembered by the name of the father of Nephi.

In the language Lenape word is lechau, which is identical to the Hebrew lechi. This indigenous language which means the delta of a river may well have been suggested by the form of a jawbone of a donkey.

TA Joyce mentioned an Indian tribe in Colombia, located north of the Chibcha, which he called the Laches, a name that seems to be identical to the Hebrew Lechi and the Book of Mormon Lehi.

We noticed that the name is known far away in the Hawaiian Islands. In the November 1921, Pacific Paradise, a magazine published in Honolulu, there is the statement that the former name of Diamond Head, a prominent volcano was Leahi. This is not only a very slight variation in spelling.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, vol. 2 by Janne M. Sjödahl, George Reynolds
Hebrew Dictionary Lexicon Strong
Lehi in the Stela 5

The element of the history of both Stela 5 and Lehi's vision relates to the experience of Lehi. On the monument, Lehi may be represented by the figure of the old man as shown in the picture. In this representation Lehi represents the legendary ancestor spoken of in the history of Mesoamerica. He is leaning forward with his hand in a gesture or teaching position. He is sitting on a cushion similar to the altars that rest against many of the stone monuments in the area where the Stela 5. A jaw bone immediately behind the head was given by Jakeman to be a glyph that represents the name of Lehi.

Exploring the Lands of The Book of Mormon, Joseph L. Allen, Ph.D.

Angeles or Cherubim in the Stela 5

angels or cherubs play an important role both in Lehi's vision in the tree of life carved on Stela 5. They take care of the tree of life Izapa. In the Book of Mormon, Lehi is led by an angel to the tree of life, and an angel gives Nephi interpretation. In figure 5 highlights Estela cherubim guarding the tree of life. The two cherubim (or deities or angels) are the same size. Masks and poultry appear to be purely symbolic. The great height of the cherubim and the fact that all the other figures have direct or indirect contact with these deities suggest that a person must go through them to partake of the fruit of the tree.

Exploring the Lands of The Book of Mormon, Joseph L. Allen, Ph.D.

The Tree of Life in the Stela 5

Dominating Stela 5 is a tree loaded with fruit located in the center of the carved design, with its roots in a base of soil from the top panel and its branches extend to a panel of heaven. (Norman 1976:166)
The tree in the Stela 5 is an aspect of the great ceiba independent is common to the area where the stone. The tree that bears fruit, especially white it is also the focus of the vision. The tree of life, simply represents Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. He is the tree of life. By partaking of the fruit of the tree, we can have eternal life, which is possible through the atonement of Christ.

Exploring the Lands of The Book of Mormon, Joseph L. Allen, Ph.D.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Why Is My New Lcd Blurry

Stela 5 The relativity of time and time according to God

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Several scriptures indicate that the way we perceive time on earth may not be the way that time actually is in the universe. In Alma 40:8,
we are told that only men are timed and that with God all the time is like a day. In other scriptures, we are told that all things are present before the eyes of the Lord (see D & C 38:2, Moses 1:6). Verses 4 to 7 of section 130 indicate a similar concept, namely, q ue past, present and future are continually before the Lord and that time is relative to the planet in which we live.

Only in the twentieth century has begun, in the field of physics, to talk about time and space in a manner consistent with these revealing statements. Earlier this century, Albert Einstein raised what is known as the
theory of relativity . Einstein explained that what men had assumed as absolute truths in the material world, space, gravity, speed, movement, time-were not at all, but they were all interrelated. Hence the theory of relativity has been called. Today, physicists agree that the reference frame of a person in relation to time vary depending on their relative position in space.

Einstein also showed that if a body moves at high speed (approaching the speed of light, which is 300,000 miles per second), the time of the body decreases relative to time a body that is in the earth, and that for the moving body, space shrinks. In other words, time and space are not two separate things, but they are correlated. Physicists call this phenomenon space-time continuum [Space-time Continuum: (Physics) A set of such elements that can be passed continuously from one to another space-time continuum: In relativistic theories, four-dimensional space, of which the fourth is the time]. If an astronaut were to travel through space at speeds approaching the speed of light, although it all seems perfectly normal to him, another who was on earth as it would seem that the clock was going more slowly, as if one's heart were beating him more slowly, as if the cosmonaut metabolism would have become slower, etc. In fact, the space traveler would age more slowly than the person to stay on earth. Although the finite mind tends to reject such concepts, Einstein's theory suggests that men are victims of their own limited perceptions. The reality of man is the product of its relative position in space-time continuum.

According to this theory, if a being reaches a speed of light, for that be all the space would shrink to the point that it would be "here" to him, and decrease all the time until his departure for him to become the "present" . Descriptions of God, related terms used to describe the nature of light. He is a being of light and glory. The theory of relativity states that for a being of light, all the space and time would all this! As incredible as this concept may seem, increasingly complex experiments that are taking place continue to support Einstein's theoretical description of the realities of the universe.

Lael Woodbury, dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communications at Brigham Young University in a speech sponsored by the Church Educational System, spoke about the perception of time that man has and the perception of time is God and said

"The evidence indicates that God ... perceive time as we perceive space. Hence
'... all things are before him, and all things are around him, and he is above all things and in all things, and in through all things, and round about all things ... ' [D. and C. 88:41]. Time, like space, is "continually before the Lord ... '

now perceive music in time as the blind man sees the way in space: in sequence. He explores with his fingers, enjoying the shape, texture, contours and rhythm. Preserves every perception in his mind, one by one, carefully adding one to another, until summarizes his concept of what that object should look like in space. You and I do not do that. Perceive an object without delay. Just look at it and, to some degree, the 'know'. We will not perceive gradually sequentially, adding a detail to another, but we perceive what is and can distinguish it from any other object.

"I suggest that God perceives time as instantaneous as we perceive space. For us, time is difficult. Lacking the highest average, we are so blind with respect to time as it is blind with respect to space. Perceive time in the same way we perceive music: in sequence. We explore rhythm, pitch or height, amplitude, range, structure, theme, the harmonies, the parallels, contrasts. And, based on our perceptions, we synthesized our concept of object or event, the musical, which was in full before we examine it.

"Just as our life is now complete with the Lord. We examine it (life) in sequence or sequential order because we are blind to time. But the Lord, who receives the time and space, sees us as we are, not as we are becoming. To Him, beings are timeless. We are continually before him: with all of our psyche, personality, body, decisions and behavior. "(Before The Lord Continually, Commissioner's Lecture Series [Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1974], pp. 5-6.)

Einstein's theory is just a theory, but is constantly being supported as a valid representation of reality. The way God works through the vastness of space and the eternity of time has not been disclosed in detail, but the information has been given to man in line with what physicists are discovering about the correlation between space and time. Although not strictly can propose how God works, modern physics indicate that given that he is actually a being of light, then the past, present and future are continually before Him

Taken from Manual of Doctrine and Covenants


Looks Like Water Blister In Back Of Throat

The Return of Thomas B. Marsh to the Church

of an article in BYU Studies, Vol 20 N 1 4, págs.389-398
leaders of apostasy of the church in positions of great responsibility has always been a major concern. It is usually difficult to detect and understand the reasons that give rise to apostasy. The study of some of these cases may help to prevent dangers that may arise in our own lives.

The case study of Brother Thomas B. Marsh, the first president of the Council of the Twelve, shows us what can happen in the life of any leader. He turned away from the Church when he was in the assignment mentioned. We can see in this account of the events of his life the influences that led it to apostasy.

Marsh President met some of the episodes of the beverage before the organization of the Church. In 1829, the Spirit inspired him to leave the place of residence to New York where he heard rumors of the "Golden Bible" in the city of Palmyra. To go for information about the rumors, came to Palmyra and found Martin Harris in the press where the printing process was in the Book of Mormon. After obtaining a copy of the first sixteen pages Book, Martin Harris told him how to reach the home of Joseph Smith, father, where he was instructed by Oliver Cowdery concerning the events of the Restoration. Then he returned to Massachusetts rejoicing in what he had learned.

During the following months with Oliver Cowdery had contact by letter and when she realized the organization of the Church in April 1830 was prepared to change their Palmira residence, which he did in August. He was baptized by David Whitmer on September 3, 1830.

Thomas B. Marsh moved to Kirtland in the spring of 1831 he was ordained priest and soon after was sent on a mission to Missouri. Universally in the Church was known as "Brother Marsh." He distinguished himself as a leader and the other saints suffered during the persecutions in Missouri. In 1834 he was selected to participate in the ceremonial preparations for "the inauguration", and also to be present at the dedication of the Kirtland temple and attend the solemn assembly was made. He was appointed as a member of the Supreme Council in Clay County, Missouri on 7 July 1834.

In January 1835 Thomas Marsh and Edward Partridge began their journey back to Kirtland where they arrived on 24 April. During his absence from Kirtland, was named as a member of the First Council of the Twelve Apostles. He was ordained an apostle on 26 April. At a meeting on May 2 Quorum members were put in order according to their age and Thomas Marsh was appointed as chairman of the group, because it was the biggest in years. In the summer Thomas joined others of the quorum for a mission in the eastern states and the return assisted in the completion of the Kirtland Temple and participated in meetings that were held sacred before the dedication. On January 22, 1836 Thomas received a special anointing as president of their quorum.

After these activities, Thomas returned to Missouri where members of the Church suffered much persecution. Strong responsibilities assumed in the direction of the church helping the brothers WW Phelps and John Whitmer, who had been called as president of the Church in Missouri. There was conflict between the Supreme Council and the presidency. The position of him as an apostle not allowed to interfere in the work of the same. However, Thomas supported the high local council members in their actions against the president.
In 1837 those problems were resolved, but appeared again the following year which allowed Thomas Marsh exerted an influence that resulted in a struggle for power between the presidency in Missouri and the Council of Twelve.

Although disclosure in 1835 had indicated that the Quorum of the Twelve went to the First Presidency in the government of the Church, indeed the presidency in Missouri and two high councils maintained their supremacy in practice because they had been organized before the Quorum of the Twelve. Besides members of the Council of the Twelve had been held in continuous contact. Was there really a lack of clarity regarding the responsibility of the leadership groups which was resolved with a revelation received on 23 July 1837. (Section 112).

With mortification Thomas Marsh realized that Parley P. Pratt, another member of the quorum, was preparing to go to England to preach the gospel. Brother Marsh considered the establishment of the Church abroad was such that no member of the Quorum had to try independently of Quorum. He cited members of the Quorum of the Twelve at a meeting in Kirtland for the July 24, 1837. He and David Patten, the second in age at the Council of the Twelve, went to Kirtland from Missouri.

Meanwhile, the Prophet Joseph Smith had designated Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde, members of the Council of the Twelve, to go to England to preach the gospel. Can not be set when the Apostles Marsh and Patten realized this event but there are indications that they were upset and expressed it was destroyed the illusion of bringing together the Quorum. It seems that Thomas B. Marsh wanted to be the first to introduce the gospel abroad and was envious because others of the Council had passed by instructions of the prophet.

Thomas reconciled with the Prophet Joseph Smith and established close relations with him during that time. And immediately returned to Missouri was in conflict with Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, William W. Phelps and John Whitmer. Feeling the bitterness of spirit such as influential brothers could destroy the Church, Thomas sought a way to remove them from the herd. But it seems that their motives were not pure. Envious to gain more recognition and influence, he was indignant and excessive behavior, all in the name of the Prophet Joseph Smith. There is evidence that Oliver and his comrades felt bitter because the ends do not justify the means. In a few months his enemies were outside the Church, and David W. Thomas Patten was appointed president in Missouri.

control properties in Missouri gave an opportunity to enrich those who sell these to the saints, and Thomas was among those who controlled the property. Joseph Smith warned against greed. In his quest for power, Thomas suffered from fear and envy. Regarding their sensitivity to criticism, he raised questions about the actions of Joseph Smith. Years later said: I got involved in businesses that do not belong to me ...

In August 1838 an incident occurred that was an important factor in the apostasy of Thomas B. Marsh. His wife Elizabeth was unjustly accused of taking the cream of the milking of a cow that was shared with another sister daily. Although the case was tried by several disciplinary councils all judgments were against Marsh's sister. As a final effort, Bishop Edward Partridge ,"... begged her to fix things and give him time to do them, "but Sister Marsh stubbornly maintained his innocence. When Joseph Smith clearly said to the sister who had lied on the disciplinary board and would be suspended, Brother Marsh was furious and refused to hear more. Brother George A. Smith, an apostle and historian details the facts as follows:

"The case was appealed from the master to the bishop, carrying out a normal disciplinary council. Marsh President considered that the bishop had done justice to him or his wife, because the decision was that she had been unfairly with the cream of milk and had violated their commitment. Immediately Marsh appealed to Pres High Council who made an investigation of the problem with patience and with great seriousness. The Pres Marsh was anxious to maintain the firm attitude of his wife, and as he was the President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles and a great man in Israel, made a desperate defense, but eventually the Supreme Council upheld the decision of the Bishop.

The Pres Marsh, not feeling satisfied, appealed to the First Presidency of the Church. Joseph Smith and his counselors had to judge the case and approved the decision of the Supreme Council. This small matter, as can be understood, caused a considerable storm and then Thomas B. Marsh said he would hold the attitude of his wife if he had to go to hell for it. "

As you can imagine, the issue of milk so humbled Brother Thomas B. Marsh could not face his peers. His great desire to achieve the admiration of the Saints, and especially the Prophet was in bitterness. Many years later in Salt Lake, Thomas confessed that his zeal had started to become a malignant envy:

"I felt jealous of the Prophet, then I lose control and I did not notice anything that was correct, and I spent all my time looking for the bad ... I was blind and thought he saw a beam in the eye of the Prophet, but it was only a speck, and my own eye the beam ... I was angry and wanted everyone else feel anger. I talked to the brothers Brigham and Heber, and wanted them to be angry like me I saw that they were not and this made me more angry .... Brother Brigham with a cautious look, said, " ) you the leader of the Church, Brother Thomas?" I replied, "no." "Then," he said, " ) Why not leave this up here ..?"

President Marsh left the Church, sought revenge against their leaders and spent many years in absentia. Not lost interest in Church continued to be reported because of what was happening there. After the death of his wife headed west to return to the Church, made peace with the leaders and was forgiven and accepted into the Church. He went to Utah where he remarried and lived several years with the Saints. He wrote a letter to the authorities when he was requesting permission to return to the Church.

May 5, 1857 Florence, Douglas Co., Territorio de Nebraska

Heber C. Kimball

Estimado Señor:
Se dará cuenta por la dirección, en donde estoy. Hace tres años murió mi esposa y salí Missouri starting to realize my situation may wonder, perhaps) because I have stayed so long or because I took so long to wake up and be right, because that's, I've been in the dark at least 18 years.

I left Grundy Co., Missouri in early January and went looking toward Zion. I traveled, with most walking, having a determination to go to Salt Lake, being God my socorro.Deseaba once arrived, prostrate at the feet of the apostles and beg their forgiveness and ask for input the House of the Lord into the Church of Latter Day Saints and tell them that I have sinned against heaven and in your eyes I have become unworthy of the trust, or having a place the family of Heaven. But let me be your servant, that he should not perish, because I know in my Father's house there is plenty of bread and I perish with hunger.

I came here with great courage and went well for a short time. While spend more time here and watch your progress since I left them, but increases my confidence and my faith is stronger and clearer things get to me. Discover more clearly do not deserve no place among you in the church, even as the lesser of the members, but I can not live without reconciled with the Twelve (Apostles) and members who've hurt. Oh Brothers, once Hermanos! ) How I can leave this world without his forgiveness? ) I can receive? ) I can receive? Something inside me tells me, please hurry and let me know by writing "yes" and then with joy I'll be happy. I met with George W. Harris (husband of Lucinda with whom Sister. Marsh had the problem) and we have reconciled, and when this was accomplished, I was so excited I was forced to say in my heart, this is an evidence that God loves me despite my rebellion and sin. I know what I did. They gave me a mission and I have not met and now I fear it is too late because it has been done by another, I see you did not need the Lord and He has not lost anything by leaving me, but ) What I'm I? Wealth, riches, bigger than the value of this world or the many other planets like this I could give. But oh brothers .. .) Can you give me a word of comfort? ) I can be saved in the kingdom of God? ) I can find peace between you? ( O if I could enjoy her smiles and laughter of my brothers and the Lord, be prepared to leave this world or stay in this great peace. The Lord has taken into account and although I was very stubborn, He has protected me. I have visited with punishment, with visions and dreams. Brothers, O worthy of the name if brothers! but ) How call them? They are very dear to me. I love you more than any group of mortals in this world. Have been diligent in doing the work that has been entrusted, while I, miserable me!, I lost time from churches seeking to nourish my soul prostitutes where there was no bread of life. I love you and I hate myself. I hope here in Florence anxious to receive a letter to his old and now worthless but sincere friend.
Thomas B. Marsh

Heber C. Kimball
Salt Lake City

PS My Love to all the saints and the rich blessings of the fullness of the everlasting gospel are and rest upon you now and forever. Amen.