Thursday, July 15, 2010

Christmas Card Etiquette

Gordon B. Hinckley

When I was a boy of only eleven years old, I received a patriarchal blessing of a man who had never seen and never saw her again. It is an amazing and prophetic document. It's very personal and do not read much, however, contains this statement: "The nations of the earth will hear your voice and knowledge of the truth by the wonderful testimony to express."
When I was released from my mission in England, I traveled a bit around Europe. I had given my testimony in London, and I did also in Berlin and again in Paris, and later in Washington, DC In my mind, had made my testimony in these great capitals of the world and had kept that part of my blessing.

But that turned out to be just the beginning. Thereafter my voice is heard in all continents, in cities large and small, from north to south and from east to west, across this whole world, from Cape Town to Stockholm, from Moscow to Tokyo Montreal, in each of the capitals of the world. This is a miracle.
Now, in conclusion, I hope you all remember that on this Sabbath day you heard me give my testimony that this is God's holy work. The vision given the Prophet Joseph Smith in the grove of Palmyra was not imaginary, it was very real. Occurred in the full light of day. Both the Father and the Son spoke to the young. He saw standing in the air above his head. Their voices heard and obeyed His instruction.

The Father, the great God of the universe, was the one who presented the risen Lord. For the first time in recorded history, both the Father and the Son appeared together to open the curtains and start it, the last and final dispensation, the dispensation of the fullness of time.

The Book of Mormon is all it claims to be: a work written by prophets in ancient times and whose words have come to light to "convince the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God , manifesting himself unto all nations " (Cover of the Book of Mormon).

The priesthood was restored under the hands of John the Baptist and Peter, James and John. In this Church exercising all the keys and authority pertaining to eternal life.
Joseph Smith was and is a prophet, the great Prophet of this dispensation. This church, which bears the name of the Redeemer, is true.

I leave my testimony and my love for every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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