Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cost Of Tooth Extraction California

3. Superheroes

On the subject of superheroes I focus on two of them, Spiderman and Flash .

Who has not heard of Spiderman ... from their webs, walking through the roof and climb the walls?.

If we seek a parallel to real life, normal people can not climbing the walls and are only a few animals such as spiders and insects who may do so.

This is because the balance between the forces (the attractive force of gravity pulling down and another force of cohesion that allows be to be on the wall).
While in the case of gravity involved the mass and volume, the cohesive force influences the size of the creature ... the more increase, the greater the weight.

Humans could not do many things that makes this
superhero (and is climbing, climb, walk on the ceiling and all that with great agility) but to have his super powers, along with irregularities that have in the palms of your hands can hold and allow to adhere to many surfaces and is "feasible" climbing to reach the roofs of buildings.

Another man, though not as well known, you can do this is Mohinder (the Dr. Mohinder Suresh, Heroes Series ( http://es.wikipedia .org / wiki / H% C3% A9roes_ (serie_de_TV) ) and as Peter Parker has the agility, strength and virtually the same powers him.

Another very typical failure can be seen in Spiderman, but also with many other superheroes (Superman, ..) is stopping the free fall of people who are falling, very sharp ... causing a very rapid deceleration and would not survive.

Changing superhero powers and have a Flash , which has a superhuman speed, which sometimes even goes to run at the speed of light. This power is achieved after being hit by lightning.

The ability to travel many miles to these speeds we have to take into account many details such as friction and body temperature after running so fast, energy-consuming ...

With the speed you can reach your body would burn by friction with the air and no one knows where that heat is generated by moving so fast.
Also, how all the energy consumed recover?. As the book says "The Physics of Superheroes (Robinbook) James Kakalios, Flash would need about 30,000 miles after crossing the second energy equivalent to that would provide 50 million XXL burger!. I should be eating nonstop.

Other problems they must face, as happened to the Human Torch in the film we saw in class "Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer" , is the destruction of clothing each time it moves so fast and, above all, when he was running it would cost to maneuver because of the speed it carries. Besides any defect that would cause around.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prominent Veins In Breast Am I Pregnant


sociology study does not lead anyone to become an expert on logic or argument, but I have a little personal interest in these issues.

During some conversations, I have come to identify one of the arguments that I dislike, it seems less logical, but against which, bound by social norms, you can not do much more than silence and change subject.

So I have very vague known as reductio ad doxa : turning every conversation into a mere matter of individual opinion impossible to criticize without one passing through the positions intolerant of others.

works more or less well. In front of a conversation where there is disagreement, the individual who uses the argument Reductio ad doxa responds as follows:

Well, I do not believe / I believe / think so. What

automatically equate to "bizantinizar" the talk about the issue that caused the disagreement, to the point that can no longer continue to talk and you better change the subject to something more frivolous , if at that point yet possible. The failure of the argument is that everyone who uses it to defend its hiding behind the wrong idea, for my taste, tolerance, belief or opinion that an individual deserves to be considered as valuable and true by the mere fact of being an individual belief, only by the fact be issued, not by how therefor.

There is a distinction, this time more sociological. What in the field of politics or academia might be acceptable or desirable (the dissent argued, on the assumption that it is not acceptable any idea shield against criticism) is rarely accepted in other interactions . In everyday interactions in the lifeworld by Habermas put it, the tolerance of dissent argued is much lower than in other areas of social life. In effect, hence the disagreement can be quite tiring.

Alternatively, someone could also say "most do not think like you, so resign yourself" . But I think that this form of argument has already been described as misleading by someone else.

Moral: if you are taking a coffee or a drink with someone, show disagrees happy and cautiously, measuring each step like a cat stalking its prey, unless you are sure that your partner find stimulating conversation, of occasionally, about something that goes beyond the anecdotal.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Capillaries In Genitals


A paragraph in the regulation of day care Metro Bicycle, written by a clever lawyer : (...)

Nursery manager shall make return of the bike, after signing the respective proof by the user. Once signed the removal of the bicycle by the user, it is understood that he has received his complete satisfaction and waive any further compensation or claim in relation to the condition of the bike.

paragraph unbeatable logic impresses me: before you can ride in there hands to sign, but once that is signed and can not claim for damage, which in turn are difficult to detect without have the bike in your hands.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tattooed Female Genetalia

2. Small creatures

In the previous issue we discussed the issue of "Giant Creatures," now playing the "Little Creatures" class after seeing "The Incredible Shrinking Man."
In many science fiction films is the subject of considerable proportional decrease the size of objects, people and animals.

But this is not possible due to the structure of matter. To shrink a creature, must bear in mind the Law of the scale ... if we reduce the size of a creature, the volume and mass would be reduced to the cube of the scale factor chosen.

There are some theories that might support this:

- Reduce the number of atoms ---> But then .. What atoms would be removed?

- Reducing the link distance between molecules ----> The density would be very great because the same mass departure by a very small volume would be great. I could not support its own weight and die crushed. As it happened also to the giant creatures that they had some relative strength and could carry no weight if exceeded X measurements.

- Reduce the size of atoms ---> for diminishing the mass would be transformed into energy (it would be a lot of it) using the equation E = mc2, Einstein.

Getting in the event that a child might wane, he would face a number of difficulties: being in an environment such as water, the sound of voices, bones, cold ... and also changes as increased relative strength of being tiny.

* sound of voices:

- What I hear them: As in the previous case depends on the frequency of sounds emitted by people who are close to the person tiny, but neither could hear if they were normal people instead of having their size.

- If a person makes a sound waning: the extent of his voice is different from what would your normal size. Is smaller.
With different sizes is shown that the frequency of the sound emitted would be proportional to the inverse length squared. Emit a sound frequency that most likely no one would listen. Would have to calculate the frequency of sound (Herz) taking into account the normal rate of a human and what measure to have waned.

* Vision:
shrink, is supposed to do proportionately all parts of your body by the law of the scale. In this case, also reduce the size of the eyes is a change in the view of the subject by the angular resolution of the eye, its diameter and the wavelength of light perceived by the infant child. Should also be taken into account the diffraction of the eyes.

* temperature (cold):

small creatures, like small animals also support the cold worse than large ones. An example we see almost daily would babies / toddlers that although for us not too cold, they have to keep you warm. One effect of this is that smaller animals spend the whole day eating to prune r recover heat because their bodies do not retain heat.

Other examples: mice, birds and also the fact that in areas with cold climates have no small animals.

* Force Relative

increases the relative strength of the person or creature that has shrunk / diminished / reduced in size ... Because the formula is Force = mass relative bearable-weight baby.

* Speed:

If we have an adult and next to a small child, the adult will go faster than the smallest.
speed = space / time