Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When A Scorpio Man Ignores Your Texts It Means


- Inability to hear sounds: The sound is
any phenomenon that involves the propagation of elastic waves in a nearly audible or inaudible, usually through a fluid (or other elastic medium) that generate vibration of a body. The sound is humanly audible sound waves consist of oscillations of air pressure, which are converted into mechanical waves in the human ear and perceived by the brain. This spread is similar in fluids, where the sound takes the form of pressure fluctuations. In the solid sound propagation involves variations of the stress state of the environment.

Sound propagation involves transport of energy without mass transfer, in the form of mechanical waves that propagate through the solid, liquid or gaseous. As the vibrations produced in the same direction in which the sound propagates, it is a longitudinal wave.

In the space could not hear sounds because of the absence of a material medium to propagate the sound as it traveled through the vibration of atoms and molecules in half and there is no air space, has no way travel.

is a failure who have a lot of movies because they heard an explosion that occurs in space, which should not happen.

- How is the severity artificial for astronauts on Earth are as :
The force of gravity is the attraction between masses. In order to generate a gravitational field must have mass.

With equivalence principle can be generated artificially maintaining a constant gravity acceleration on the spacecraft (requires a large consumption of fuel).

Another way to achieve a similar result would be through a rotational movement. The rotation of a body generates a centrifugal acceleration, which would make sintiƩsemos in our body an acceleration similar to that of the earth, which would push us to fall out of rotating body.

In the movie "2001. Space Odyssey based on the novel by Arthur Clarke , use this form of rotation to create artificial gravity.

Still, there are differences between the Earth's natural gravity and artificial gravity in a rotating system.

interesting page artificial gravity of a ship

-movements in space and in the absence of gravity

In the movies we see that the astronauts moving in a very slow . The explanation is as follows:

With the principle of action and reaction of Newton's Third Law. The astronaut's body found in house air (a fluid) and has to exert a force to move the hand to move the air particles. Your body has to suffer the same strength but opposite direction. If you move fast, the body will also move with these movements.

When moving in places where there is an absence of gravity and have no place to lean / pulse can also be moved by moving the arms, but it was not very fast.


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