Monday, October 12, 2009

Milena Velba Airport Movie

free Stone Blaise

Pressure is a physical quantity that measures the force per unit area. Because it relates two vectors by a scalar product
, it is a scalar (a number!), Defined as:
Where $ $ {\\ bf n} $ $ is versor This complicated expression is greatly simplified when force is normal to the surface: if on a flat surface area $ $ $ $ A uniform force acting F $ $ $ $ perpendicular to the surface, the expression for the pressure $ $ P $ $ is:
\\ [P = \\ frac {F} {A}. \\] pressure unit is the unit of force on unit area
. In the International System
(SI), this unit is the pascal And now, a study to determine concepts:
"Once, all the scientists who were already dead and in heaven, were proposed to play hide and seek.
The draw will start counting touched Einstein . The idea, of course, was that he counted to 100, while all were hidden and then dedicate them down.

Einstein Beginning your account they all ran in different directions looking for a hideout.

All but Newton.

Newton devoted simply to draw on the floor a square 1 meter on each side and stood in it. Just behind Einstein.
Einstein finished his account: ....... 97, 98, 99, 100. He opened his eyes, turned around, and found Newton standing right in front of him.

Then Einstein said (as usual):

- "Stone Free to Newton "

, Stone free to Newton! "
Newton, shaking his head, said

- No, no, I have to disagree: I was not found, because I am not Newton.

Before the stunned Albert, who looked seriously Isaac, all the rest of the scientists went one by one from their hiding places, between intrigued and surprised to finally hear an explanation of Newton with which forced to match.

Newton said

- As see, I'm standing in an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter, therefore, I am a Newton per square meter, in short .... I am Pascal.

Our thanks go to
for this wonderful piece of humor;)


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